Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

An outdoor classroom will enhance learning at Belvedere Elementary School

Stepping stones wind through Belvedere’s new outdoor classroom. Students, teachers, parents, and the community celebrated the completion of an outdoor classroom at Belvedere Elementary School April 12. The school’s courtyard has been transformed into a plaza with tables and chairs surrounded by trees and plantings.   “Our goal is to extend academic learning to the … Continued

Fall Garden Day at Green Spring Gardens

Asters, winterberry, lilac, butterfly bushes, and Montauk daisies were among the biggest sellers at Fall Garden Day at Green Spring Gardens Sept. 22. The annual event, featuring 21 plant venders, non-profit organizations, a silent auction, crafts, and musical entertainment, benefits Friends of Green Spring (FROGS). Pitcher plants from the Carnivorous Plant Nursery of Derwood, Md.