Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

FXCO offers seminars for budding entrepreneurs

If you’ve thought about running your own business but don’t know how to get started, the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority’s (FCEDA) free monthly “Entrepreneurship 101” seminars are for you. These sessions provide an overview of start-up basics including county licenses and permits; Virginia workforce and training programs; and federal financing and certification resources. The … Continued

‘Bare bones’ FX CO budget proposal recommends no increase for schools

Fairfax County Executive Anthony Griffin submitted a “bare bones” budget to the Board of Supervisors Feb. 22 with no increased compensation for employees and no increase in the amount of county funds transferred to Fairfax County Public Schools. While the budget says “real estate values are clearly stabilizing,” it projects “relatively modest revenue growth” over the … Continued

Del. Kory seeks input on legislation

Annandale’s representative in the General Assembly, Del. Kaye Kory, plans to file several pieces of legislation during the 2011 session, most likely on these topics: government accountability and transparency, tax incentives to promote renewable energy use, increasing funds for mass transit, restricting the uses of campaign funds, protecting citizens’ voting rights, improving K-12 education, and … Continued

Transportation bond and constitutional amendments on Fairfax County ballot

Metro construction in Tysons Corner In addition to electing a member of Congress Nov. 2, Fairfax County voters will have a chance to vote on a transportation bond and three constitutional amendments. The referendum asks voters to vote Yes or No on a $120 million Fairfax County transportation bond to pay the county’s required contribution to … Continued

Fairfax County students show academic gains, Superintendent reports

According to a status report on Fairfax County Public Schools from Superintendent Jack Dale, student achievement is improving, and more students are taking advanced courses: Here are some of the highlights from the report: Projected enrollment for 2010-11 is 175,295, and the number of students from families at or below the poverty level is increasing. … Continued

Draft Accotink Creek Watershed Management Plan proposed many projects in Annandale

The public is invited to a forum to review a draft plan for preserving and restoring the Accotink watershed Sept. 21 at Fairfax High School, 7-9 p.m. Accotink Creek The Accotink Creek Watershed Management Plan, prepared by KCI Technologies Inc. for the Stormwater Planning Division of the Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental … Continued

Annandale’s reps in Richmond oppose privatizing liquor stores

Annandale’s representatives in the state legislature oppose Gov. Bob McDonnell’s proposal to privatize state-run liquor stores. McDonnell, a Republican, has been pushing the privatization concept in town meetings across the state and is expected to announce a detailed proposal next week. McDonnell contends that privatizating the stores now run by the Virginia Department of Alcohol Beverage … Continued

Long-range park planning document addresses park issues in Annandale

Among the Fairfax County Park Authority’s long-range plans for Annandale are recommendations for new trails and new connections between existing trails, upgraded facilities at the Hidden Oaks Nature Center and Audrey Moore RECenter, the preservation of historic sites, and much more. These proposals are included in the draft report, Great Parks, Great Communities. This project was initiated … Continued

Women’s soccer league concerned about losing Saturday access to Pine Ridge Park

Women who’ve enjoyed playing soccer at Pine Ridge Park for 20 years are worried they might not be able to play there on Saturdays any more. That’s because the soccer fields are scheduled to be refurbished with synthetic turf this summer, and Fairfax County’s Department of Community and Recreation Services, which allocates athletic fields, has … Continued

AARP volunteers providing help with tax returns

If you’ve been putting off getting your taxes done, the AARP Tax Aide program can help. Volunteers are providing free walk-in assistance with federal and state tax returns at the Mason District Government Center, 6507 Columbia Pike. The service is available Mondays and Thursdays, 1-8 p.m.; Wednesdays and Fridays, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; and Saturdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. All … Continued