Tag: higher education

NOVA offers free job training to unemployed federal workers
Northern Virginia Community College on March 13 announced a free training program to help unemployed federal workers and contractors transition to new careers. The NOVA New Employment, Exploration and Transition (NOVAnext) program will provide scholarships to allow approved participants to enroll in one of 14 courses at no charge and access NOVA-sponsored online workshops on resume-writing … Continued

No more legacy college admissions
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin has so far signed 64 bills passed by the General Assembly into law, amended 12, and vetoed 20. One of the measures signed by Youngkin prohibits legacy admissions and admissions based on donor status at public institutions of higher education (House Bill 48). As a result, colleges and universities will no … Continued

Justice scholarship fund aids 84 graduates
Eighty-four Justice High School students who graduated last week received a total of $353,000 in college scholarship money from the Justice High School Scholarship Fund (JHSSF) and its partners. The JHSSF provides needs-based scholarships to Justice High School graduates who demonstrate a commitment to learning and becoming contributing members of their communities. The JHSSF awarded … Continued

NOVA offers free classes to HS graduates
Northern Virginia Community College is offering free summer classes for graduating seniors who are considering enrolling in NOVA. The JumpStart2NOVA program allows high school graduates to take one three-credit course and NOVA’s one-credit College Success Skills course with no tuition cost. Twelve three-credit courses are available, including art appreciation, quantitative reasoning, principles of psychology, and … Continued
New Virginia program offers free community college tuition to lower-income students
Northam signs legislation enacting the G3 program. Students from low and middle-income households in Virginia are now eligible for free tuition at community colleges in certain high-demand fields. Gov. Ralph Northam signed legislation March 29 at the Alexandria campus of Northern Virginia Community College creating the “Get Skilled, Get a Job, Give Back” (G3) initiative.

College in the age of COVID
A screenshot of a Zoom conversation the Justice High School Scholarship Fund hosted for the JHS Scholars from the Class of 2020. By Jean King COVID-19’s impact on the Justice High School class of 2020 was almost immediate: The play was canceled a week before its premiere, sports did not get past the first round … Continued

GMU hosts in-person classes, opens dorms for fall semester
George Mason University [Keith Pham]. As George Mason University in Fairfax opened for the fall semester Aug. 24, university officials expect a series of health rules and recommendations will prevent an outbreak of COVID-19. GMU students can take a mix of in-person, online, and hybrid courses. When students moved into the dorms at GMU in … Continued

NOVA offers free online summer courses to rising high school seniors
The NOVA Annandale campus: The buildings are closed but learning continues online. [NOVA] Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) is offering free summer courses to approximately 70,000 rising high school seniors. The courses run from June 1 to July 15. High School students can attend up to two courses tuition free and earn college credit – … Continued

NOVA grad donates $1 million to the NOVA Foundation
Howe When Debra Coffman Howe was a nursing student at Northern Virginia Community College and struggling to afford the tuition, she was helped by an anonymous donor. Now she’s a healthcare executive and committed $1 million to the college, the NOVA Foundation announced April 2. Howe’s gift supplements her existing endowed scholarship fund for NOVA … Continued

Minding the gap: Scholarships help Justice seniors take the last step toward college
Justice High School Scholarship recipients from the Class of 2019. By Jean King and Tara Rethore Hop on any Underground (subway) train in London and an announcer will tell you to “mind the gap” between the train and the platform. Here at home, the Justice High School Scholarship Fund (JHSSF) has been minding a different … Continued

Gov. Northam proposes free community college
Gov. Northam speaks at Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale. [Office of Gov. Ralph Northam] Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam visited Northern Virginia Community College’s Annandale campus, Dec. 12, where he announced a proposal to provide free community college tuition to low and middle-income students who pursue careers in high-demand fields. The governor’s budget proposal will … Continued

Former NOVA president, Richard Ernst, dies
Richard J. Ernst [NVCC] The following information is from the NVCC website and an obituary in the Washington Post. Richard J. Ernst, who was president of Northern Virginia Community College for 30 years and built the school into the state’s largest institution of higher education, died Aug. 15 at a retirement facility in Springfield. Ernst … Continued

Five Justice HS students awarded scholarships from the Hispanic Learning Alliance
The Justice High School scholarship winners with school board member Sandy Evans and Justice teacher Eric Welch. From the left; Shirle Hinojosa-Ferrufino, Stefany Villanueva La Torre, Bibiana Mirones, Evans, Welch, Jennifer Giron, and Tiffany Collins. Five seniors at Justice High School were among the 20 high-achieving, highly motivated, and inspiring Latinx students awarded college scholarships … Continued

Justice Scholars Fund helps students get to college
Justice High School 2018 scholarship recipients. Decorate A Vet, a local nonprofit organization that takes care of home maintenance projects for military veterans, has expanded its mission to support college scholarships for Justice High School seniors. The following article about the Justice Scholars program is by Jean King, a member of the program’s board of … Continued

Outstanding Hispanic students awarded scholarships
Scholarship recipients The 15 Fairfax County seniors who received college scholarships from the Hispanic Leadership Alliance May 8 are an accomplished lot. The average GPA for the group is 3.9, and some will earn International Baccalaureate diplomas. Several students have after-school jobs to assist their families, yet still made time for extracurricular activities, school leadership … Continued