Tag: homeless

Homeless people are camping out in central Annandale park
Toll House Park in central Annandale has become a gathering place for unsheltered individuals struggling to survive during a weeks-long heat wave.

Jimenez: County will begin process to remove sidewalk squatters
Mason Supervisor Andres Jimenez has outlined the actions his office is taking to address the problems caused by the unsheltered individuals hanging out on Patrick Henry Drive in Seven Corners.

Residents concerned about sidewalk squatters
A small group of unsheltered individuals who have who’ve got nowhere else to go have created a community on the sidewalk on Patrick Henry Drive in Seven Corners.

More rental assistance available for those with serious mental illness
The Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) approved a $20 million agreement with the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services earlier this month to increase access to supportive, affordable rental housing options for those with serious mental illness. The additional funding is expected to help prevent homelessness among this population and reduce … Continued

More Fairfax County families are homeless
The number of homeless individuals in Fairfax County is increasing, the county government announced May 11. The Point-in-Time Count conducted on Jan. 25 by the Office to Prevent and End Homelessness found 1,310 people experiencing homelessness across the county. That’s a 10 percent increase from the 2022 e count. The biggest increase, 33 percent, was … Continued

County seeks public input on use of federal funds for the homeless
Fairfax County has received a $7.88 million federal grant to address homelessness and is seeking public input on how to use it. The funds come from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Home Investment Partnerships Program – American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP). Members of the public are invited to participate in a virtual public … Continued

Hypothermia program underway
Fairfax County’s Hypothermia Prevention Program, now underway, ensures that people experiencing homelessness have a warm place to sleep during the winter. The program operates from Dec. 1 through March 31. If you see someone who is unsheltered and appears to be at risk of hypothermia, call the non-emergency public safety phone number, 703-691-2131, so the … Continued

Volunteers clean up Bailey’s Crossroads
Volunteers from New Hope Housing and Hilton Arlington National Landing cleaned up litter along Seminary Road in Bailey’s Crossroads in October. New Hope Housing operates the Bailey’s Shelter and Supportive Housing facility, at 5914 Seminary Road, for Fairfax County. The organization adopted a 0.7-mile section of Seminary Road near the shelter as part of the … Continued

Board approves Patrick Henry Place
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Aug. 2 approved a project to replace the Patrick Henry Family Shelter in Seven Corners with a permanent supportive housing facility. The new four-story Patrick Henry Place, at the corner of Patrick Henry Drive and Leesburg Pike, will have 16 units for families with children transitioning out of … Continued

Planning Commission endorses supportive housing facility in Seven Corners
The Fairfax County Planning Commission on July 27 endorsed a proposal to replace the Patrick Henry emergency family shelter in Seven Corners with a new building providing permanent supportive housing. The new four-story facility, called Patrick Henry Place, will have 16 units. Construction is expected to start in spring 2023. It should be ready for … Continued

Design revealed for Patrick Henry Place
Plans are moving forward to replace the Patrick Henry Emergency Shelter in Seven Corners with a larger facility. The new building will provide permanent supportive housing for families facing homelessness. The project had been delayed while Fairfax County worked out land acquisition and other issues with the Hollybrooke II Condominium Association, which owns the property. … Continued

Mason District residents honored by Volunteer Fairfax
Longtime ACCA volunteer Mary Lee Dispirito and James Albright and the Annandale Greenway Team are among the 49 nominees, 11 winners, and 10 Community Champions recognized at an awards ceremony hosted by Volunteer Fairfax April 20. Dispirito, the recipient of Volunteer Fairfax’s Lifetime Achievement Award, has devoted countless hours over the past 35 years – … Continued

Explore a Park: The woods in Poe Terrace Park draw homeless campers
Poe Terrace Park as seen from Hillbrook Drive. This article is part of our series on parks in the Annandale/Mason District area. The last piece in this series explored Pine Ridge Park in Annandale. Poe Terrace Park is a 14.3-acre undeveloped park at the intersection of Little River Turnpike and Hillbrook Drive in Annandale across … Continued

Bailey’s Shelter wins a design award
Bailey’s Shelter [NAIOP] Bailey’s Shelter and Supportive Housing in Bailey’s Crossroads won a design award from NAIOP Northern Virginia, a chapter of NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association. The Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services won the award for the Bailey’s Shelter in the “Build-to Suit Institutional Award” category. The shelter … Continued

Fairfax county pays homeless crews to clean up streams
Trash collected by Bailey’s Shelter residents at a recent cleanup at a stream behind Fairmont Gardens in Annandale. Fairfax County’s debris and litter-choked waterways need cleaning up, while people experiencing homelessness need job experience. That’s where Operation Stream Shield comes in. The program is a partnership of the county’s Stormwater Planning Division, other county agencies, … Continued