Tag: Kory

Del. Kaye Kory is not running for re-election
Del. Kaye Kory, who has represented voters in Mason District in the General Assembly for the past 13 years is not running for re-election. “This has been a difficult decision to make,” Kory announced on Facebook on April 3. “I have enjoyed my job and appreciated the trust the voters have placed in me. But … Continued

If Kory runs for re-election, she will face Simon in the Democratic Primary
Del. Marcus Simon could face Del. Kaye Kory in the June 20 Democratic Primary, although Kory hasn’t announced whether she will seek re-election. Due to redistricting measures approved in 2021, Simon and Kory are now in the same district. A new district The newly created 13th District encompasses the City of Falls Church, which Simon … Continued

Annandale/Mason residents affected by redistricting
The Virginia Supreme Court [Roanoke Times] Under a redistricting plan approved by the Virginia Supreme Court, some residents of the Annandale/Mason area will be shifted to a different congressional, Virginia House of Delegates, and/or Virginia Senate district. Here are some of the key changes: Several communities currently in the 11th U.S. Congressional District (represented by … Continued
Del. Kory wants to improve Park Authority transparency in light of Justice Park parking lot conflict
Del. Kaye Kory talks to a reporter at an open house at Justice Park in June hosted by opponents of the parking lot proposal. Fairfax County Public Schools and the Fairfax County Park Authority were able to push a proposal for a parking lot in Justice Park without public hearings because they used a section … Continued

Meet the candidates: Del. Kaye Kory
Del. Kaye Kory We sent the same questionnaire to the two people running in the Democratic Primary for the 38th District seat in the Virginia House of Delegates: the incumbent, Kaye Kory, and challenger Holly Hazard. The 38th District includes most of Annandale inside the Beltway, Lake Barcroft, and parts of Bailey’s Crossroads and Seven … Continued

Holly Hazard to run against Del. Kaye Kory in Democratic Primary
Holly Hazard (right) talks to residents about their concerns. Social justice advocate Holly Hazard is challenging long-time House of Delegates member Kaye Kory in the Democratic Primary. The primary is June 8. Hazard, a Mason District resident for more than 30 years, wants to bring a new viewpoint to the General Assembly.

Chico’s Natural Pet Market engages community in fight to stay at Barcroft Plaza
Danielle Areco (left) and Del. Kaye Kory speak at a community meeting at Chico’s Natural Pet Market. With only three weeks until her lease expires May 31, Danielle Areco is continuing her fight to keep Chico’s Natural Pet Market at Barcroft Plaza Areco convened a second meeting May 9 to update customers and supporters on … Continued

Gross, Aiken clash on redevelopment issues at candidate forum
From the left: Del. Kaye Kory, Sen. Dick Saslaw, Gary Aiken, Jessica Swanson, Supervisor Penny Gross, Andres Jimenez, and Ricardy Anderson. Mason Supervisor Penny Gross and her Republican challenger, Gary Aiken, clashed over how to revitalize aging commercial centers, the East County Office Building, and Bailey’s Upper Elementary School at a candidate forum March 18 … Continued

Local leaders urge Lt. Gov. Fairfax to resign
Members of the media stake out Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax’ home in Annandale Feb. 11. We asked members of the Virginia General Assembly who represent the Annandale/Mason area to weigh in on the scandals rocking the state leadership in Richmond, including the accusations that Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax sexually assaulted two women. Del. Kaye Kory (38th … Continued
Does your student need a backpack?
Del. Kaye Kory is hosting a backpack giveaway Saturday, Aug. 19, 1-5 p.m., at Woodrow Wilson Library in Bailey’s Crossroads. The giveaway of 150 backpacks for students in kindergarten through grade 3 is sponsored by the Office Depot Foundation and the National Foundation for Women Legislators. Only two women legislators in each state have been selected to … Continued

Del. Kory launches re-election campaign
Tina Trapnell (left) introduces Del. Kaye Kory at a campaign event. A large crowd of supporters gathered in Lake Barcroft June 25 for the launch of Del. Kaye Kory’s re-election campaign. Kory has represented the 38th District in the Virginia House of Delegates since 2010 and before that represented Mason District on the Fairfax County School … Continued

State legislative action presented at Town Hall
Del. Kaye Kory and Sen. Dave Marsden speak at a Town Hall meeting on state legislation. Actions at the federal level are grabbing the headlines but the Virginia General Assembly has been making important decisions with widespread implications for state residents. State lawmakers representing the Annandale/Mason District area—Sen. Dave Marsden, Del. Kaye Kory, and Sen. … Continued

Crackdown on out-of-state cars yields more tax revenue
This car was parked at an Annandale apartment complex. Fairfax County is encouraging residents to report online cars with out-of-state license plates that are habitually parked in their neighborhood This effort is part of Operation Target, a program started a year ago by the Department of Tax Administration (DTA) to catch potential tax evaders and … Continued

DMV will not move to Barcroft Plaza
Barcroft Plaza on a recent Friday afternoon. The Virginia Department. of Motor Vehicles will not relocate its customer service center from Four Mile Run in Arlington to the Barcroft Plaza shopping center after all. The planned move had generated an enormous amount of opposition from Mason District residents who were concerned that a DMV in … Continued

State lawmakers vow to work for women’s health issues
Del. Kaye Kory and state Sen. Barbara Favola speak at a NARAL fundraiser. Advocates for women’s health are urging the Virginia General Assembly to enact legislation that supports women’s access to birth control, abortions, and equitable healthcare and reject anti-choice measures, like bills to defund Planned Parenthood. “Women should be in charge of women,” said … Continued