Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Inova proposes massive, long-term mixed-use redevelopment

The Inova Center for Personalized Health. Inova Health Care Services is seeking approval from Fairfax County to consider a comprehensive plan amendment that would facilitate massive redevelopment on the former ExxonMobil campus on Gallows Road in Merrifield. In 2017, Inova opened a Center for Personalized Health and a Conference Center in existing buildings that had … Continued

Developer kills apartment project in Bailey’s Crossroads

Plans for a multifamily housing project on the northwest corner of the Leesburg Pike/Carlin Springs Road intersection in Bailey’s Crossroads have fallen through. Mill Creek Residential Trust had been considering a mixed-use project with 400 apartments in two five-story buildings and 15,000 square feet of retail space on a site occupied by a Shell gas … Continued

Supervisors streamline process for repurposing office buildings

An apartment in a former office building in Alexandria’s West End that has been transformed into a flexible E-loft concept, allowing tenants use their units for living or working. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors has made it easier for developers to convert obsolete office buildings and stores to other uses, such as housing, schools, … Continued

Oakwood School plans an expansion

Oakwood School is housed in a former church.  Oakwood School, a private school in Annandale focused on students in grades 1-8 with learning disabilities, is planning an expansion.   The school, located in a former church building at 7201 Braddock Road, has applied for a rezoning and special exception. A couple of years ago, Oakwook … Continued

Task force to advise county on plan for Northern Virginia Training Center site

This site along Braddock Road could become a community for seniors. Braddock Supervisor John Cook is creating a citizen task force to advise county officials as they develop a Comprehensive Plan for the site formerly occupied by the Northern Virginia Training Center (NVTC). In September, Erickson Living, a developer specializing in retirement communities, announced plans to … Continued

Urban design guidelines in the works for Bailey’s Crossroads and Seven Corners

The Fairfax County Office of Community Revitalization (OCR) is working on urban design guidelines for Bailey’s Crossroads and Seven Corners that will address such issues as landscaping, sidewalks, how buildings should be sited, how storefronts should look, and what amenities like benches and lighting should look like. The draft, including illustrations of how various urban elements … Continued

Proposed redevelopment project at Graham Park Plaza downsized

The new project is shown in yellow. [Federal Realty] Federal Realty Investment Trust has downsized its plans for transforming the western half of Graham Park Plaza into a mixed-use development. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors had approved a Comprehensive Plan Amendment last December allowing construction of 248 multifamily housing units on top of community-serving … Continued

Old Macy’s building at Landmark Mall could house the homeless

Macy’s at Landmark Mall in 2013. The vacant Macy’s building at Landmark Mall could be used as a temporary homeless shelter for two years until construction begins on a mixed-use redevelopment project. The Carpenter’s Shelter, in the northern section of Old Town, Alexandra, has been looking for a temporary place for its clients while it … Continued

County wants to make it easier to convert old office buildings to new uses

Bailey’s Elementary School The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors is considering a proposal to make it easier to convert older, underutilized office buildings to other uses, such as housing, schools, light manufacturing, or even urban agriculture. Public hearings on the proposed amendment to the county’s Comprehensive Plan are scheduled before the Planning Commission on Nov. … Continued

Senior housing planned for site of Northern Virginia Training Center

One of the 14 buildings on the site of the former Northern Virginia Training Center. Erickson Living, a developer specializing in retirement communities, plans to build a community for seniors on the site of the former Northern Virginia Training Center on Braddock Road in Fairfax, the company announced Sept. 18. Erickson Living has entered into … Continued