Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Seven Corners Task Force defers decision on redevelopment at Sears site

Del. Kory speaks at the Sept. 9 Seven Corners Task Force meeting. Residents who spoke at the Sept. 9 Seven Corners Task Force meeting raised lots of concerns – mostly about the negative impact of overly dense redevelopment on already-overcrowded schools and congested roads, the need to improve the transportation system first, and the need … Continued

Seven Corners residents: Fix roads before approving redevelopment

Task force members, left to right: Evelyn Haught, Mark Silverwood, Co-chair John Thillman, Co-chair Mary Ellen Ward, Karl Moritz, and Patrick Hoar. When community leaders and residents got a chance to address the Seven Corners Land Use and Transportation Task Force Aug. 12, one key concern was repeated over and over: Don’t start construction on … Continued

Supervisors approve expansion of shelter for women abuse victims

An illustration of the expansion project. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors agreed July 29 to allow Bethany House of Northern Virginia to expand a shelter for women victims of domestic abuse in the Barcroft Hills neighborhood. The expansion plan has generated controversy in recent weeks, as some neighbors who oppose it put up signs … Continued

Fairfax County supervisors to consider proposal to expand women’s shelter

A yard sign broadcasts the resident’s opposition to a shelter for abuse victims. A proposal to expand a shelter for victims of domestic abuse in the Barcroft Hills neighborhood has generated some opposition among the immediate neighbors, although others who live near the 1950s-era house support the project. Bethany House of Northern Virginia is requesting … Continued

Land use committee calls for changes in Bailey’s Crossroads retail center plan

The site of a proposed shopping center on Route 7. The Mason District Land Use Committee (MDLUC) July 22 called for Fairfax County planning staff to revise the proposal for a shopping center on Leesburg Pike between Charles Street and Washington Drive to prohibit drive-through fast food restaurants. Angela Valis, a Courtland Park resident who … Continued

Planning Commission defers vote on Bailey’s Crossroads shopping center

Washington Drive, looking toward Leesburg Pike. The shopping center would be at the left.  [Google Maps] The Fairfax County Planning Commission deferred a decision on a shopping center proposal for Leesburg Pike in Bailey’s Crossroads until July 30, primarily because commissioners felt there was not enough information on a plan to align Charles Street with … Continued

Courtland Park residents raise concerns on proposed retail center

The site of a proposed shopping center on Leesburg Pike as seen from Charles Street. With a public hearing scheduled before the Fairfax County Planning Commission July 17 on a proposal for a shopping center on Route 7 in Bailey’s Crossroads, local residents are urging that the project be modified to protect the Courtland Park … Continued