Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Childcare center proposed for wooded lot in Bailey’s Crossroads

Lots of  trees and stream are on the lot proposed for a childcare center. The Fairfax County Planning Commission is reviewing a request for a zoning special exception from Deyi Awadallah for a childcare center at 3212 Glen Carlyn Road in Bailey’s Crossroads. A public hearing is scheduled for March 13. A one and one-half-story … Continued

Architect describes vision for Bailey’s Elementary School annex

The back view of the Bailey’s annex. The office building on Leesburg Pike that will be converted to an elementary school to relieve severe overcrowding at Bailey’s Elementary School, the school’s design will accommodate a more flexible, 21st century learning concept. Classrooms will have lots of natural light, and the entrance will be repositioned to … Continued

Proposed Markham Street project could spur redevelopment in Annandale

An illustration of the apartment building proposed for Markham Street. The proposed 12-story apartment building project on the site of the bowling alley on Markham Street in Annandale will have 310 units—with a mix of efficiencies and one and two-bedroom units—and a ground-floor restaurant and park. After hearing a presentation from the developers Jan. 14, … Continued

Fairfax County measure would bar RSUs from low-density neighborhoods

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors adopted a motion by Mason Supervisor Penny Gross, co-sponsored by Chair Sharon Bulova to eliminate lower-density residential areas from consideration for residential studio units (RSUs). The board matter calls for the Planning Commission to adopt a recommendation by its RSU committee to bar RSUs from areas zoned for lower … Continued

RSU proposal revised: these units would be barred from low-density neighborhoods

A full house at the RSU meeting. An amended proposal on residential studio units (RSUs) will be presented to the Fairfax County Planning Commission to bar this type of housing from low-density, single-family neighborhoods. This major change was announced at a packed meeting on RSUs Nov. 14 organized by the Mason District Council of Community … Continued

Fairfax County supervisors consider restrictions on car title lenders

LoanMax on Columbia Pike, Annandale. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors is considering taking action to curb car title lending businesses, which are popping up all over Annandale and other areas that need to be revitalized. The BoS unanimously approved a “joint board matter” Oct. 29 proposed by supervisors Jeff McKay (Lee) and Gerry Hyland … Continued

Fairfax County study analyzes traffic problems at Seven Corners

The Seven Corners interchange. Business owners, real estate professionals, and residents of Seven Corners gathered for an early breakfast at Public House No. 7 Oct. 24 to learn about the results of the first phase of the Seven Corners Transportation Study. The meeting was sponsored by the Baileys Crossroads Revitalization Corporation, which received a $2,765 … Continued

Potential for Little River Turnpike widening is factor in future development

Pinecrest Exxon Plans to replace the Pinecrest Exxon station on Little River Turnpike and Braddock Road with a drive-through TD Bank hit a snag when the county planning staff refused to sign off on the proposal because it conflicts with language in the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan calling for Little River Turnpike to be widened. … Continued