Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Board of Supervisors approves Fairfax Forward land use process

Board hearings take place in the Fairfax County Government Center. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved a new, more comprehensive process for reviewing and making changes in the county’s land use plan. The new system, known as Fairfax Forward, replaces the current Area Plans Review (APR) system for updating the county’s Comprehensive Plan. Fairfax … Continued

Planning Commission recommends approval of Parklawn cell tower

Planning Commission members (from the left) include James Hart (at-large), Janet Hall (Mason), Chairman Peter Murphy (Springfield), and Frank de la Fe (Hunter Mill). The Fairfax County Planning Commission unanimously recommended the Board of Supervisors approve an application for a cell tower at the Parklawn pool. The cell tower issue has been extremely divisive for … Continued

Gross agrees to strengthen community input on land use issues

In advance of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors’ hearing on Fairfax Forward next week, representatives of the Mason District Council of Community Associations (MDC) met with Mason Supervisor Penny Gross to express their concerns with potential changes to how land use decisions are made. Fairfax Forward revises the procedures for updating the county’s Comprehensive … Continued

Seven Corners Task Force puts together outline for redevelopment

Seven Corners Task Force members during the charrette. Seven Corners could be vastly improved with a town center on the site of the Willston shopping centers and Willston Multicultural Center along Route 50. That’s one of the key outcomes from a marathon “charrette” session held by the Seven Corners Land Use and Transportation Task Force. … Continued

Mason land use committee endorses adult daycare center on Lincolnia Road

The proposed facade of the Agape Center, facing Lincolnia Road. The Mason District Land Use Committee voted June 25 to recommend the Fairfax County Planning Commission approve a proposal by Agape Health Management Inc. for an adult daycare center on Lincolnia Road. The Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing for July 18 on Agape’s … Continued

Transportation systems need to evolve to accommodate urbanization

Rush hour on Route 50 in Falls Church. Fairfax County Supervisor Sharon Bulova’s “Evolution of Transportation” forum June 12 covered trends from way back—when Route 7 was an Indian trail—to the future, when we might be able to watch TV or nap while our cars drive themselves. The present state of transportation is a mess, … Continued

More public involvement urged for Fairfax Forward

The shopping center on Annandale Road being developed by Bill Page Honda. Fairfax County Planning and Zoning Department (DPZ) staff have agreed to strengthen provisions on community involvement and public outreach in Fairfax Forward, the proposed plan for overhauling the way changes are made in the county’s land use policy. The county, however, is not … Continued

More citizen involvement urged in Fairfax County planning process

Fifteen houses are being built on this property on Backlick Road in Annandale, despite neighborhood opposition. The new Fairfax County land use planning process known as Fairfax Forward could lead to more strategic thinking about development, but only if the plan is revised to strengthen provisions on citizen involvement. That’s the view of  Providence District … Continued