Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Mason Land Use Committee hears Peace Valley Lane rezoning case

Will Collins seeks support for infill housing development. Plans to develop the Peace Valley Lane property in the Ravenwood Park community and to renovate the Woodrow Wilson Library in Bailey’s Crossroads were among the issues presented at the Mason District Land Use Committee (MDLUC) Oct. 23. We’ll report on the library discussion later, but here’s … Continued

Annandale’s image marred by outdoor furniture sales

Some of the sofas for sale in the Fuddrucker’s parking lot. Thriving urban neighborhoods have “pop-up” shops—temporary retail outposts—with trendy clothes, home goods, or high-quality artistic items. Annandale has impromptu bazaars with people trying to sell rugs or assembly-line paintings in a parking lot or electronics from the trunk of a car. A case in … Continued

Ballot question on eminent domain could increase redevelopment costs

If Virginia voters approve a constitutional amendment on eminent domain, efforts to revitalize Annandale would be more difficult and “significantly more expensive,” says state Sen. Dave Marsden (D-37). “It will slow down the whole process.” The amendment, a priority of the Tea Party, as well as Gov. Bob McDonnell and Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, both … Continued

FXCO sues EPA over stormwater runoff rules for Accotink watershed

Accotink Creek Fairfax County and the Virginia Department of Transportation filed a joint lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) July 12 charging that federal regulations aimed at protecting the Chesapeake Bay watershed would impose an unfair, costly burden on the county and homeowners. The regulations impose limits on stormwater runoff aimed at reducing … Continued

Annandale community leaders question benefit of new planning approach

An infill development going up on Lincolnia Road. Fairfax County officials say their proposal to replace the Area Plans Review (APR) system for amending the county’s Comprehensive Plan with a new approach will increase opportunities for community input. Community leaders in the Annandale/Mason area, however, are doubtful that the new system will have much of … Continued

Assisted living facility in Annandale means more traffic on Gallows Road

The Brightview facility would be accessed from Gallows Road People who live near the proposed assisted living facility slated for Gallows Road told the developer they are concerned about increased traffic on an already congested street The 95-unit facility would be developed by Brightview Senior Living, a division of the Shelter Group, which operates 23 … Continued

Land use experts weigh in on revitalization strategies for Seven Corners

The pedestrian bridge over Arlington Boulevard With Fairfax County in the earliest stages of exploring redevelopment possibilities for Seven Corners, the Urban Land Institute (ULI) issued a brief report in May outlining how land use experts think the area can be improved. Fairfax County’s efforts for dealing with Seven Corners began with a “visioning exercise” … Continued