Tag: land use
Bailey’s Crossroads car dealership plans major expansion
Radley Acura as seen from Columbia Pike. Radley Acura, the car dealership at 5823 Columbia Pike in Bailey’s Crossroads, has big expansion plans. Radley is seeking approval from Fairfax County to constructa 5,400-square foot addition behind the new-car showroom with a waiting room and drive-through lanewhere customers can drop off their cars for … Continued
Board of Supervisors approves zMOD
An accessory living unit in a basement with a separate entrance. [Sightline Institute] The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on March 23 approved a huge modernization and revision of the zoning ordinance. The two most controversial components of the multiyear effort known as zMOD make it easier for homeowners to have a home-based business and … Continued
Residents fighting plans to designate small private road as only access point to new housing development
Brooks Place The Virginia Department of Transportation accepted Brooks Place into the state road system on March 11. That’s significant, because it would legitimize Brooks Place as the only way to access a by-right housing development under construction on Sleepy Hollow Road called Hudson Quarter.
Board of Supervisors defers decision on zMOD
After listening to testimony from 71 people on March 9, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors deferred a vote on zMOD for two weeks. The board will discuss the zoning modernization project at its March 23 meeting. Most of the people who spoke raised objections to proposed provisions that would eliminate the special permit requirement … Continued
Planning Commission retains public hearing requirement for accessory living units
The Fairfax County Planning Commission approved zMOD, the huge zoning ordinance modernization project March 3, with some key amendments. The measure goes to the Board of Supervisors for a public hearing March 9 and a final decision.
Zoning board defers action on daycare proposal from Bailey’s Crossroads church
Columbia Baptist Church [Google Maps] The Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals has again deferred a decision on an application from Columbia Baptist Church on Glen Carlyn Road in Bailey’s Crossroads for a building addition with a childcare center. At its Feb. 10 meeting, the BZA agreed to take up the application again on Feb. … Continued
Zoning board approves backyard chicken coop in Annandale
Gerald Miranda’s backyard, where he plans to install a chicken coop. The Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals approved a special permit Feb. 10 to allow Annandale homeowner Gerald Miranda to keep 10 chickens in his backyard. Under the zoning code, homeowners need at least two acres to keep domestic fowl by right. Miranda’s lot … Continued
Public urged to comment on revised Annandale design guidelines
Toll House Park on Little River Turnpike. The Fairfax County community revitalization staff seeks public comment on an updated version of the Annandale Urban Design Guidelines. The document provides recommendations for multimodal streets, landscaping, streetlights, and other design elements. There will be a virtual presentation on the new guidelines on Feb. 11 at 7 p.m. … Continued
Residents speak out against zoning changes that would destabilize neighborhoods
More than 40 people spoke at a Fairfax County Planning Commission meeting on zMOD Jan. 28, most of them opposing new rules that would make it easier to create an Accessory Living Unit (ALU) and home-based business. By the time the public hearing portion of the meeting was over it was 1 a.m., so the … Continued
Board of Supervisors rejects huge mixed-use proposal for western Annandale
The Board of Supervisors meets virtually on Jan. 26. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors agreed Jan. 26 to eliminate from the Comprehensive Plan work program for 2021 a huge 575-unit mixed-use project proposed for western Annandale. That project would have been located on Little River Turnpike between Hummer Road and Woodland Road.
Planning Commission to take up accessory living units
The building to the left of this house in Mason District appears to be an ALU. After years of work and nearly 100 community meetings, the Fairfax County Planning Commission is holding a public hearing Jan. 28 on zMOD, the massive rewrite, consolidation, and modernization of the county’s zoning code. The Board of Supervisors’ hearing … Continued
Lake Barcroft, Malbrook residents oppose access plan for new houses on Sleepy Hollow Road
The future site of a new housing development on Sleepy Hollow Road. [Larry Golfer] Residents of Lake Barcroft and the Malbrook community are concerned that a new housing development under construction on Sleepy Hollow Road would bring more traffic to neighborhood streets. The Gulick Group has begun clearing land and plans to build 18 new … Continued
More details emerge on affordable senior housing project on church property
The possible future home of the Culmore Clinic. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing Tuesday, Jan. 26 on a major redevelopment proposal in western Annandale with 575 multifamily units, another proposal for Annandale and three in Seven Corners. If approved by the board, those proposals would be included in the … Continued
Planning Commission endorses a revised redevelopment plan for western Annandale
The site of a proposed redevelopment project on Little River Turnpike in Annandale. The Fairfax County Planning Commission agreed that a major redevelopment project in Annandale’s west end should be included in the county’s Comprehensive Plan work program for 2021 – with two major changes. That project calls for 575 multifamily residential units, 156,000 square … Continued
Community members speak out against redevelopment proposals in Annandale and Seven Corners
The Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center on Row Street in Seven Corners wants to develop a community center. Local residents spoke out against most of the six nominations for redevelopment projects in Mason District at a Planning Commission hearing last week. The projects have been nominated for inclusion in Fairfax County’s Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program for … Continued