Tag: Marsden

Changing an Asian sea’s name is big issue for Virginia’s Korean community
Sen. Dave Marsden (left) meets with chairman of the Korean Federation of Industries during a trip in August sponsored by the Korean government. Sen. Dave Marsden (D-37th District) has been leading efforts in the Virginia legislature to ensure that textbooks used in the state’s public schools reflect Koreans’ preference to refer to the “East Sea,” … Continued

Virginia transportation bill is a step in the right direction
Saslaw speaks at the Legislative Town Hall. The landmark transportation bill passed by the Virginia General Assembly last week is far from perfect, but it provides a badly needed infusion of new money and sets a precedent for recognizing the needs of Northern Virginia, lawmakers representing the Annandale area told constituents at a Legislative Town … Continued

Virginia Senate passed bill to raise gas tax
More state transportation funds are needed for projects to relieve traffic congestion, including roads like Little River Turnpike as shown here. The Virginia Senate passed a transportation package this week that would generate $900 million in new revenue for annually and enable localities to put in place additional funding to meet their transportation needs. The … Continued

Transportation, school issues dominate Legislative Town Hall
Facing the audience, from the left: Sen. Marsden, Del. Kory, and Sen. Saslaw More than 100 people came to a Legislative Town Hall at Sleepy Hollow Elementary School Feb. 10 to hear from Annandale-area lawmakers on what’s been going on in the state capital. With the Virginia legislative term nearing its end, lawmakers still haven’t … Continued

Kory, Marsden address gun control at Town Hall
Del. Kory and Sen. Marsden speak at a Town Hall Meeting. The tragic school shooting in Newtown, Conn., Dec. 14 has drawn renewed attention to the issue of gun control, but isn’t likely to lead to more restrictive gun laws in Virginia this session, said Del. Kaye Kory. It will change the conversation, though added … Continued

Community meetings address tax options for funding transportation
Biesiadny Fairfax County can no longer county on state funding for transportation projects to relieve congestion. The county needs $3 billion over the next 10 years, while state funding has dropped to zero and federal funding for transportation has been allocated through 2018. So the county either has to come up with a new revenue … Continued
Sen. Marsden’s Richmond Diary: The 2012 state budget
In this edition of Sen. Dave Marsden’s periodic reports from Richmond, he explains why the Virginia General Assembly has so far failed to pass a budget. There has been much written this past week about Democrats voting down the Senate and House budgets. The Washington Post and other writers seem to think that this is … Continued

Sen. Marsden’s Richmond Diary
Here’s the third installment of Sen. Dave Marsden’s Richmond Diary, covering his work in the Virginia legislature. Monday, Jan. 23 The day started early, as I presented a bill to the Senate Courts of Justice Committee at 8:30 a.m. The bill failed on a 7 to 7 vote, but I have a good way to … Continued

Sen. Dave Marsden’s Richmond Diary
Here’s the second installment of Sen. Dave Marsden’s Richmond Diary, covering week 2 in the Virginia General Assembly. Marsden (D-Burke) represents most of Annandale in the Virginia Senate. Monday, Jan. 16 Martin Luther King Jr. Day is always one of the busiest times in the General Assembly session. Constituent groups from across the political spectrum … Continued

Sen. Dave Marsden’s Richmond Diary
With this column, we’re introducing a new feature: a daily journal of the activities of Sen. Dave Marsden, who represents the 37th District, which includes portions of Annandale. We hope it will give a readers a better sense of how the state Senate operates, as well as provide an update on the issues Marsden is … Continued
Marsden picks up Post endorsement
With the slim Democratic majority in the Virginia Senate hanging in the balance, the tight race between the incumbent David Marsden and his Republican challenger, Jason Flanary, in the 37th District is crucial. A Washington Post endorsement could be a decisive factor, and on Oct. 18, the Post’s editorial board came out squarely in favor … Continued

State senate candidates Marsden and Flanary clash in debate
Marsden State Sen. Dave Marsden (37th District) and his challenger Jason Flanary clashed over transportation, spending, education, immigration, and other issues at a debate Oct. 16 at Accotink Unitarian Universalist Church in Burke. Flanary, a Republican, called for government to “be run a little more like a business” and said “we need more business leaders … Continued

State Sen. Marsden has deep roots in Annandale
The Marsden farmhouse State Sen. Dave Marsden has deep roots in Annandale, having grown up here when the area was still dotted with farms. Marsden, a Democrat who represents the 37th District, will be campaigning for re-election this year for the first time in many Annandale neighborhoods. Due to redistricting, four precincts are switching from the … Continued