Tag: Mason District

Mason District is a treasure trove of modern architecture
A survey of modern architecture in Fairfax County lists 151 properties, neighborhoods, and commercial developments built between 1950 and 1985 that could be historically significant. The study includes dozens of properties in Mason District, including a retail strip in Annandale, homes in Lake Barcroft, and office buildings in Seven Corners. The study was carried out … Continued

Committee suggests ways to make Mason District greener
There are dozens of ways to improve sustainability in Mason District, according to a committee of individuals knowledgeable in environmental issues. Mason District Supervisor Andres Jimenez appointed Ken Sandler, an expert in environmental science and policy, last April to convene a Greener Mason Advisory Committee. The committee was charged with proposing both long-term and short-term … Continued

Meeting on Little River name change postponed to Feb. 19
The next community meeting on the proposal to give Little River Turnpike an honorary name, originally scheduled for Feb. 5, has been postponed to Feb. 19, 6 p.m. The meeting is being delayed “to ensure more time for outreach and engagement,” states an email from Olivia Logan, a staff member in Supervisor Andres Jimenez’ office. … Continued

Annandale residents express their views on renaming Little River Turnpike
About 70 people came to a community meeting at the Mason Government Center on Jan. 30 to learn about and express their opinions on a proposal to rename a portion of Little River Turnpike to honor the contributions of Korean Americans. Mason Supervisor Andres Jimenez stressed that the name change would be totally honorary. “No … Continued

Jimenez podcast features Virginialicious
The second episode of Mason District Supervisor Andres Jimenez’ podcast series features Mina Kim, who as the founder of Virginialicious, leads tours of Annandale’s Korean restaurants. The podcast, “Reimagine Mason,” is the place “where we highlight the people places and projects shaping Mason District into a vibrant and inclusive community,” Jimenez says. The first episode … Continued

Permits proposed for areas that restrict cut-through traffic
Fairfax County is considering adding a permit component to the “residential cut-through traffic mitigation program.” At its Jan. 14 meeting, the Board of Supervisors agreed to hold a public hearing on the permit proposal. The hearing is scheduled for Feb. 18 at 4 p.m. The measure would add a section to the county code to … Continued

Residents invited to a Mason District health fair Nov. 23
Mason Supervisor Andres Jimenez invites the community to a free healthcare fair on Saturday, Nov. 23, 10 a.m.-noon, at the Mason Government Center.

Tree planting honors Penny Gross
Fairfax County leaders honored former Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross by planting a tree in her honor at Mason District Park on Oct. 11.

Capital Bikeshare is coming to Mason District
The Fairfax County Department of Transportation is proposing to add 16 stations to the Capital Bikeshare network in Annandale, Seven Corners, and Bailey’s Crossroads.

Committee advises Jimenez on creating a greener Mason District
The Greener Mason Advisory Committee, a group set up by Supervisor Andres Jimenez, is development recommendations for making the environment of Mason District “measurably cleaner, healthier, and more pleasant.”

Mason District Arts Action Agenda proposed
The Mason Arts Advisory Committee presented its report to Mason Supervisor Jimenez with recommendations for expanding the arts in the community through such means as hosting an arts festival and providing gallery and artist work spaces.

Arrests are way up in Mason District
There have been big increases in assaults and shoplifting in the Mason Police District during the first half of 2024, compared to the same periods in 2023 and 2022.

Ideas proposed for expanding art opportunities in Mason District
At its final meeting on May 16, the Mason Arts Advisory Committee reviewed its priorities for expanding art opportunities and supporting local artists. Mason Supervisor Andres Jimenez formed the committee in February with the goal of proposing art-related activities in Mason District that align with the county’s Master Arts Plan and his promise to make … Continued

Nancy Hall honored for her commitment to the community
Mason Supervisor Andres Jimenez has named Annandale resident Nancy Hall the 2024 Community Champion for Mason District. Community Champions, a program of Volunteer Fairfax, honors residents for their commitment to promoting volunteerism within their community while addressing specific needs. Each member of the Board of Supervisors selects a Community Champion. Nancy Hall serves in a … Continued

Police offer crime prevention tips
Be alert when out alone and improve the security at your home and business. Those are among the best ways to avoid being a crime victim, MPO Stacy Sassano, crime prevention officer at the Mason Police Station, said at the April 2 meeting of station’s Community Advisory Committee at the Korean Community Center in Annandale. … Continued