Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Summer internships available at Green Spring Gardens

Summer at Green Spring. College students are invited to apply for summer internships at Green Spring Gardens. Seven internships are available: horticulture, Virginia native plants, horticulture/plant shop, farmers market SNAP outreach, children’s education, historic resources, and invasive plant management at the White Gardens. Applicants must be enrolled in a two-year, four-year, or graduate program in … Continued

Green Spring Gardens was created 50 years ago, thanks to a generous gift from a fascinating family

The horticultural center at Green Spring Gardens. In recognition of Green Spring Gardens’ 50th anniversary in 2020, the park is scheduling a series of events all year, including a big celebration in October. The anniversary year kicked off Jan. 18 with a winter lecture about how the county acquired the land from the Straight family … Continued

County seeks public input on dog parks

Play time at the Mason District Dog Park. If you have a dog, are you happy with the off-leash dog parks operated by the Fairfax County Park Authority? Let the Park Authority know by filling out a survey. The results will guide future planning. The survey will be available through Dec. 15. There are 11 … Continued

Hidden Oaks celebrates 50th anniversary with chainsaw tree sculpture

Kevin Holland of Friends of Hidden Oaks Nature Center uncovers the tree sculpture. [Photos by the Park Authority] The tree sculpture at the Hidden Oaks Nature Center in Annandale created by chainsaw artist Andrew Mallon was revealed at the center’s 50th anniversary celebration in October. Mallon transformed a tulip popular damaged by lightning into a work … Continued

Crossroads Interim Park officially opens

Crossroads Interim Park Crossroads Interim Park officially opened to the public Sept. 28 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The park is on the former site of the Bailey’s International Center, an office building that was torn down last year, on Columbia Pike next to Radley Acura. The ribbon is cut. The county owns the property and … Continued

Petition seeks more pickleball courts

Pickleball is becoming an increasingly popular sport, yet Fairfax County isn’t meeting the demand for places to play. Annandale resident Mike Perel, vice chair of the Fairfax Area Commission on Aging, encourages people to  sign a petition asking the Board of Supervisors and Park Authority to “find ways to support the growth and interest in … Continued

Azalea Park gets a makeover

Play time at Azalea Park. Residents of the Hillwood neighborhood and Fairfax County officials celebrated the makeover of Azalea Park Sept. 14 at a ribbon-cutting ceremony followed by a block party. Park Authority Executive Director Kirk Kincannon speaks at the ribbon-cutting. The park, in the Providence District between Seven Corners and the City of Falls … Continued

Scout seeks volunteers for park cleanup project

Nathan Reinoehl Boy Scout Nathan Reinoehl seeks volunteers for an Eagle Scout project to clean up Manassas Gap Railroad Park in Annandale on Sept. 21. The park has ruins from the unfinished Manassas Gap Railroad. Many residents don’t know this park exists, so one of the goals of Nathan’s project is to get more recognition … Continued

Two Mason District park projects honored

The White Gardens Two Fairfax County parks were honored by the Virginia Recreation and Park Society, and both of them are in Mason District. The Indoor Valis Family Learning Center at the Pinecrest Golf Course was honored as the Best New Renovation/Addition in the Bricks and Mortar category for a population area greater than 200,000. … Continued