Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Little League is raising funds for a restroom project at Pine Ridge Park

The Fairfax County Park Authority has approved the installation of a permanent structure to house restrooms and a concession stand at Pine Ridge Park in Annandale, a project sought by the Annandale-North Springfield Little League. To make this project a reality, however, the ANSLL has to raise approximately $300,000, says the league’s president, Don Pedersen. … Continued

Backlick Park totally renovated

The new playground at Backlick Park. Backlick Park in Annandale has a new playground, fitness equipment, pavilion, tennis courts with lights, asphalt trails,and landscaping. None of this would have happened if Elan Mews resident Binod Gupta, who lives next to the park, hadn’t complained, repeatedly, to county officials about the rundown and unsafe condition of … Continued

Volunteers needed for Ossian Hall Park cleanup

The playground at Ossian Hall Park.  The Fairfax County Park Authority invites the community to join a “fall blitz” to spruce up Ossian Hall Park in Annandale Saturday, Nov. 10, 8 a.m.-noon. Volunteers are needed to help spread mulch in the landscaping beds, spread tot lot chips in the playground, prune vegetation, and pick up … Continued

County will repave part of Cross County Trail

The Cross County Trail The Fairfax County Park Authority will begin construction to improve the surface of the Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail between King Arthur Road and Woodburn Road in Annandale this month. The trail will be repaved with asphalt and concrete, and several culverts will be replaced. The project is expected to be … Continued

Deer hunting season under way in local parks

A couple of young deer in a park in Mason District. The Fairfax County archery program for reducing the deer population started Saturday, Sept. 8, and runs through Feb. 23, 2019. The program allows bow-hunting groups certified by the county to use archery to kill deer in designated parks. Signs like this one are posted at … Continued

Interim park planned for Bailey’s Crossroads

The Landmark Building is being torn down.  The area around the former Landmark Building on Columbia Pike in Bailey’s Crossroads will be transformed into an “interim park” with temporary recreational facilities. Demolition of that building is expected to be completed by the end of September. The property was acquired by Fairfax County last year as part … Continued