Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

New signs installed along the Cross County Trail

A new sign at Americana Park. It’s just gotten a little easy to navigate the Cross County Trail. REI has funded 15 new wayfinding signs. The signs were dedicated at a ceremony in Americana Park in Annandale April 13. Among those who attended were Braddock District Supervisor John Cook, Park Authority Executive Director Kirk Kincannon, … Continued

Wakefield Park to get a new playground

The playground at Wakefield Park. [NoVa Outdoors] The Fairfax County Park Authority Board approved the installation of a new playground at Wakefield Park in Annandale. The project will cost $100,000. Funding will come from a park bond passed by voters in 2016. The funds approved by the Park Board will cover the design and layout … Continued

Backlick Park to be totally renovated

Backlick Park is finally getting renovated, a new sign on Backlick Road announces. The Fairfax County Park Authority approved a plan in late January for a complete renovation of the long-neglected park, costing nearly $1.1 million, to include a new playground area and tennis court. The existing playground will be removed and replaced with separate … Continued

Paths at Green Spring Gardens being retrofitted for accessibility

Some paths are temporarily closed. [David Siegel] Work is under way at Green Spring Gardens to make the paths accessible for people with disabilities. The project is expected to completed this spring. Meanwhile some of the pedestrian routes may be temporarily closed, but the gardens will be open and programs at Green Spring will be … Continued

Updates proposed to Bren Mar Park Master Plan

Bren Mar Park [FCPA] The Fairfax County Park Authority is proposing some changes to the Master Plan for Bren Mar Park to accommodate the acquisition of a one-acre parcel earlier this year. The 32.4-acre park is in Mason District between Edsall Road and the Turkeycock Stream Valley. The Park Authority proposes to update the park’s … Continued

Eakin Park gets a picnic shelter

Work is expected to begin soon on a new picnic shelter at Eakin Community Park in Annandale. The project includes four picnic tables, a grill, and an accessible trail, as well as a 20 by 24-foot pavilion near the Tobin Road entrance. Construction is expected to be completed by the end of December. Construction hours … Continued