Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Fairfax County to revise master plan for Lake Accotink

The Fairfax County Park Authority is beginning the process of revising the master plan for Lake Accotink Park. A public meeting on the plan revision will be held March 14, 7 p.m., at Cardinal Forest Elementary School. Fairfax Board Chair Sharon Bulova; supervisors John Cook (Braddock), Jeff McKay (Lee), and Pat Herrity (Springfield); and members … Continued

Stream restoration project in Pinecrest Golf Course to start this month

Pinecrest Golf Course. The Fairfax County Park Authority expects to begin work in mid-February on renovating a portion of Turkeycock Run within the Pinecrest Golf Course, at 6600 Little River Turnpike in the Alexandria portion of Mason District. The project is being done to stabilize Turkeycock Run to reduce erosion and sedimentation within the watershed.  … Continued

Friends group forming for Oak Hill Park

An overgrown trail in Oak Hill Park. [Glen Erickson Bell] Oak Hill Park in Annandale has long been neglected by the Fairfax County Park Authority. Nearby residents have done some maintenance on their own over the years, but now Glen Erickson Bell is mobilizing his neighbors to become more active advocates by creating a friends … Continued

Body found in Annandale park

Tollhouse Park [FCPD] The body of man was discovered in Annandale’s Tollhouse Park at the intersection of Little River Turnpike and Annandale Road Jan. 13, the Fairfax County Police Department states in the daily police blotter. A citizen had called the police shortly before 1 p.m. to report “a suspicious man, possibly sleeping.” Responding officers … Continued

Bridge project under way at Green Spring Gardens

The bridge/stream restoration project should take about three months. [Photo by David Seigel] Construction of a new pedestrian bridge at Green Spring Gardens is well under way. The old bridge was damaged during Tropical Storm Lee in 2011. The $300,000 project includes a longer steel-frame bridge and stream bank restoration. In related Green Spring Gardens … Continued

Stream restoration projects under way in Wakefield Park

Accotink Creek in Wakefield Park The Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services is carrying out two stream restoration projects at Wakefield Park in Annandale.  Work along 3,700 feet in the Accotink Creek watershed area will include the installation of various in-stream structures, a pedestrian bridge crossing, and pipe culverts, as well as … Continued

Archers take 26 deer in local parks so far during 2015-16 hunting season

Since Fairfax County’s deer hunting season started Sept. 12, 26 deer have been “harvested” in parks in the Annandale/Mason area. According to data provided by Katherine Edwards, wildlife management specialist with the Fairfax County Police Department, archers certified by the county have reported the following results for local parks: Accotink Stream Valley Park: 5 deer … Continued

Trail in Wakefield Park will be paved

The Cross County Trail near Americana Park. The Fairfax County Park Authority is planning to pave a 7,800-foot stretch of the Cross County Trail in Wakefield Park between Braddock Road and Americana Park in Annandale. The public is invited to a meeting on the project Oct. 15, 7 p.m., at Kings Glen Elementary School, 5401 … Continued

Repaving work on Cross County Trail to start next week

Repaving work on the Cross County Trail near Lake Accotink is scheduled to start Sept. 21, the Fairfax County Park Authority announced Sept. 9. The project includes repaving the trail from Braddock Road to a point approximately 5,200 feet south, repaving an existing trail connection to the Danbury Forest community, and replacing an existing wooden … Continued