Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Fee increases proposed for park users

The pavilion at Round Tree Park. [Fairfax County government] The Fairfax County Park Authority is proposing fee increases for some of its facilities. The Park Authority Board is holding an annual public comment meeting on the fee changes Jan. 21, in room 106 of the Herrity Building, 12055 Government Center Parkway,  Fairfax, at 7 p.m. … Continued

New park planned for Mason District

Monch Farm Park is the triangular-shaped plot along Canard Street. [Image from Google Maps] Fairfax County has acquired a vacant 10-acre piece of land at 6570 Edsall Road in the Alexandria area of Mason District for use as a park, the Fairfax County Park Authority announced Dec. 17. The park will be known as Monch … Continued

Deer hunting in local parks starts tomorrow

A notice about deer hunting. Fairfax County’s program using archery to reduce the deer population begins tomorrow, Sept. 6, and runs through Feb. 21, 2015. Under the program, approved groups of hunters are allowed to hunt deer in parks throughout the county, including several in the Annandale area: The “Annandale Cluster,” covering the White Gardens … Continued

Belvedere Elementary School is a leader in outdoor learning

The information below is from an article published in the summer 2014 edition of Virginia Parks & Recreation magazine.  Students at Belvedere Elementary School in Mason District maintain a garden on raised beds, an adopted trail, and decomposition and lifecycle gardens. They remove invasive plants and replace them with native plants. They share food they raise … Continued

Catch a free concert in Annandale

Ken and Brad Kolodner brought traditional folk music to life at Mason District Park July 23. The video below, by Bob Kovacs, features the group’s performance of “Reuben’s Train.” Ken Kolodner, a hammered dulcimer player and old-time fiddler, was joined by his son, Brad Kolodner, on clawhammer banjo and Alex Lacquement on bass. Kovacs is … Continued

Environmental group outraged by award honoring beltway construction co.

The beltway project dumped sediment into Accotink Creek. [Photo by Friends of Accotink Creek] Every year, the Fairfax County Park Foundation bestows Eakin Philanthropy Awards to individuals and organizations that have made a significant contribution to the community. The announcement that one of the recipients of this year’s awards is Transurban-Fluor has met with disbelief, … Continued

Concerts in the park: comedy to country

The Capitol Steps drew a large crowd to a free Spotlight by Starlight show at Mason District Park July 20. The video above, shot by Bob Kovacs and posted on AnnandaleArts, is “I Don’t Know How to Log In,” about the Obamacare problems, to the tune of  “I Don’t Know How to Love Him” from … Continued

Park projects start this month in Annandale

The Fairfax County Park Authority announced plans to start construction on two projects in Annandale-area later this month. A 1,200-foot asphalt trail will connect Chivalry Road in the Camelot neighborhood with the athletic fields in Pine Ridge Park. Construction should take about four months. Portions of the existing trail will be intermittently closed during that … Continued