Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Annandale Park desecrated with anti-Semitic graffiti

The kiosk at Americana Park. Americana Park in Annandale was desecrated by vandals at some point on April 8 who drew large swastikas and extremely offensive anti-Semitic slogans on the kiosk, pavement, signs, and Little River Turnpike overpass. They also smashed the glass on a kiosk with a rock. The photo published here—and others showing … Continued

County to spray Mason District Park to eradicate fall cankerworms

Fall cankerworm caterpillars. [Virginia Department of Forestry photo] Fairfax County urban foresters will begin aerial spraying to suppress fall cankerworm caterpillars around the third week in April. A total of 2,200 acres will be treated, including 61 acres in Mason District encompassing the southern half of Mason District Park in Annandale between Oak Hill Drive … Continued

Proposed Markham Street project could spur redevelopment in Annandale

An illustration of the apartment building proposed for Markham Street. The proposed 12-story apartment building project on the site of the bowling alley on Markham Street in Annandale will have 310 units—with a mix of efficiencies and one and two-bedroom units—and a ground-floor restaurant and park. After hearing a presentation from the developers Jan. 14, … Continued