Tag: parks

Ossian Hall Park showcases world cultures
Young performers at Chinese Cultural Heritage Night at Ossian Hall Park. Enjoy a musical experience featuring a different culture Saturday evenings all summer long at Ossian Hall Park, 7900 Heritage Drive, Annandale. The first show of the year was June 7, featuring music and dance from China. Tonight’s show, at 7:30 p.m., offers a glimpse … Continued

Cross County Trail renamed in honor of Rep. Connolly
Rep. Connolly (center) at the trail-naming ceremony. The 40-mile Cross County Trail is now known as the “Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail,” in recognition of the congressman’s strong support for open space and parkland, as well as his role in creating the trail. The name change occurred at a Fairfax County Park Authority ceremony … Continued

Spotlight by Starlight concerts underway all summer at Mason District Park
The TOAST Big Band The TOAST Big Band ushered in the summertime Spotlight by Starlight concert series at Mason District Park June 1 with upbeat jazz standards that got a few swing-dancing couples on their feet. This is the 24th year for the free Spotlight by Starlight concerts. Mason Supervisor Penny Gross and the Friends … Continued

Cell phone sellers beaten and robbed in Annandale parks
A screen grab from NBC News shows reporter David Culver describing the Craig’s List/iPhone attacks. Fairfax County Police are investigating several incidents of people trying to purchase iPhone 5s cell phones from people they met on Craigslist who’ve been beaten and robbed. In at least two of the incidents, the crimes happened at playgrounds at … Continued

Repairs underway at Tollhouse Park
The park is on Little River Turnpike between Annandale Road and Columbia Pike. Tollhouse Park, the centerpiece of the Annandale revitalization area, has gotten a little shabby in recent months, but efforts to fix it are under way. The broken lights and the clock, which is about six hours off, will be repaired soon, says … Continued

Annandale Farmers Market opens tomorrow
The Annandale Farmers Market, at Mason District Park, opens for the season tomorrow morning. About a dozen vendors will be on hand offering homemade bread, pies, herbs, flowers, meat, and Greek pastries, as well as all kinds of seasonal vegetables and fruits. The Annandale market will be open every Thursday, 8 a.m.-noon, through Nov. 7. … Continued

Annandale Park desecrated with anti-Semitic graffiti
The kiosk at Americana Park. Americana Park in Annandale was desecrated by vandals at some point on April 8 who drew large swastikas and extremely offensive anti-Semitic slogans on the kiosk, pavement, signs, and Little River Turnpike overpass. They also smashed the glass on a kiosk with a rock. The photo published here—and others showing … Continued

Donations from public needed to help maintain Lake Accotink Park
A secure donation box was installed at Lake Accotink Park, by the marina, so visitors can help support the park at a time when the county budget is failing to provide enough resources. Friends of Lake Accotink Park (FLAP) President Tony Vellucci hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the box April 5 at the start of … Continued

County to spray Mason District Park to eradicate fall cankerworms
Fall cankerworm caterpillars. [Virginia Department of Forestry photo] Fairfax County urban foresters will begin aerial spraying to suppress fall cankerworm caterpillars around the third week in April. A total of 2,200 acres will be treated, including 61 acres in Mason District encompassing the southern half of Mason District Park in Annandale between Oak Hill Drive … Continued

Preliminary schedule set for Mason District summer concerts
The first concert, June 1 at Mason District Park, features the Toast Big Band, seen here performing at the park last summer. [Photo from a video by Bob Kovacs.] The preliminary schedule for free Spotlight by Starlight concerts this summer has been set. The shows are presented by the Fairfax County Park Authority and Friends … Continued

Park Authority planning trail improvements at Lake Accotink
Lake Accotink dam [Park Authority photo]. The Fairfax County Park Authority is planning trail improvements at Lake Accotink Park in Springfield, including an elevated walkway over the dam outfall. A public meeting to discuss the project will be held Jan. 27, at 7 p.m., at Braddock Hall, 9002 Burke Lake Road in Burke. The existing … Continued

Proposed Markham Street project could spur redevelopment in Annandale
An illustration of the apartment building proposed for Markham Street. The proposed 12-story apartment building project on the site of the bowling alley on Markham Street in Annandale will have 310 units—with a mix of efficiencies and one and two-bedroom units—and a ground-floor restaurant and park. After hearing a presentation from the developers Jan. 14, … Continued

Fee changes proposed for Pinecrest Golf Course, other Fairfax County parks
The only ones on the Pinecrest Golf Course on a recent cold weekday afternoon were geese. The Fairfax County Park Authority is proposing fee changes for some park facilities. Some fees will increase, while others will actually be reduced. According to a report by the Park Authority, the changes are based on several trends: On … Continued

Here’s what happened with some of our major stories of 2013
Ever wonder what happened to the people and places we wrote about in 2013? Here are some follow-up reports on how those stories turned out. Box Hill Farm In January we reported on Box Hill Farm, an old restored farmhouse on a seven-acre property bordering Wakefield Park in Annandale. It was on the market for … Continued

Fairfax City approves sterilization program to curb deer population
A deer in Annandale Community Park. The City of Fairfax has approved a pilot program for humanely controlling the deer population by removing the ovaries from females, but don’t expect Fairfax County to do this any time soon. Getting the program underway has been a huge bureaucratic nightmare, said Anthony J. DiNicola, a wildlife ecologist … Continued