Tag: parks
Skaters’ input sought on new section of Wakefield Skatepark
Skaters are encouraged to come to a meeting at the Audrey Moore Rec Center in Annandale Wednesday, Oct. 26, at 7 p.m., to comment on the proposed design for an expansion of the Wakefield Skatepark. Representatives from the design company, Spohn Ranch, will be there to listen to skaters’ recommendations, although at this point, user … Continued
Archers killed 31 deer so far along Accotink Stream Valley
Since Fairfax County’s bowhunting program started Sept. 24, 31 deer have been killed by archers in parks along the Accotink Stream Valley, says Kristen Sinclair of the Resource Management Division of the Fairfax County Park Authority. Bowhunting in county parks while people are walking on the trails with their children and dogs is “incredibly safe,” … Continued
Bowhunting to control deer population called ‘inefficient and inhumane’
People concerned about animal welfare are taking a dim view of Fairfax County’s “deer management” program, which includes bowhunting in 19 parks including the Accotink Stream Valley in Annandale. Camelot resident Christina Perez Bass, who does animal rescue, says, “My children and I walk everyday on the Cross County Trail, and I am terrified about … Continued
Park users unaware FXCO is using bowhunters to reduce deer population
Deer on the Cross County Trail in Annandale, Oct. 4 It’s deer hunting season in Fairfax County parks, but most park users don’t seem to know much about it. All but one person the Annandale blogger encountered while on a walk along the Accotink Stream Valley were unaware that the county has authorized a group … Continued
Friends of Accotink Creek seeks new leadership
Sediment from the beltway HOT lanes project is clogging the Accotink watershed The Friends of Accotink Creek (FACC) has been keeping watch on Annandale’s major watershed since 2004, organizing clean-up and monitoring actitivies. The group also educates the public on watershed protection and takes part in environmental advocacy. But now that the founders of the group, … Continued
Mason District Fall Festival this Saturday
Looking for something fun to do this weekend? The Mason District Fall Festival is happening Saturday, Sept. 24, in Mason District Park, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. There will be live entertainment, food and craft vendors, police and fire department demonstrations, and children’s activities, including moon bounces, hay rides, and pony rides. The festival is free, but … Continued
New volunteer group formed to oversee Mason District Dog Park
The Mason District Dog Park has a new sponsor: A group of dog owners who use the park frequently formed a volunteer organization, the Annandale K9 Community, to take responsibility for working with county officials to maintain the park. The Mason District Dog Park, accessible from Little River Turnpike and Roberts Avenue, is one of seven fenced-in … Continued
Venomous wildlife can be annoying but won’t kill you
Copperhead We’ve got some dangerous wildlife around Annandale, but not as much as you might think, says Suzanne Holland, director of the Hidden Oaks Nature Center. Holland always has local children enthralled when she teaches them about the natural world, and her presentation on venomous snakes and poisonous plants Saturday afternoon was no exception. The … Continued
Bowhunting in FXCO parks starts in September
If you’re planning an early morning or evening walk in county parks during the next few months, you might want to see if there’s a sign posted warning that bowhunting or another deer management operation is in progress. Bowhunters will be permitted in county parks from the first Saturday in September to the last Saturday in … Continued
Park Board honors Annandale volunteers
Hidden Oaks Nature Center Two of the three recipients of the Fairfax County Park Authority Board’s 2011 Elly Doyle Park Service Awards are based in Annandale—the Friends of Hidden Oaks Nature Center and dog park activist Chris Robichaux. The other award recipients are Charles and Jacque Olin, founders of the Analemma Society, who were instrumental … Continued
FXCO Park Board votes to restrict field use
Ossian Hall Park The Fairfax County Park Authority Board approved a policy July 13 to prohibit groups of 20 or more from using county athletic fields unless they are part of a registered league. The previous limit was 40. The rule change could have the effect of virtually shutting out the casual soccer games that … Continued
Public urged to testify on ‘walk-on’ field use at FXCO Park Board hearing
Ossian Hall Park People who use Fairfax County athletic fields on a casual basis are encouraged to come to a Park Authority Board hearing July 13 on a proposal to limit the number of “walk-ons” from 40 to 20. That includes spectators, as well as players. If the rule change passes, people who like to … Continued
Community input sought on Wakefield Skatepark expansion
The halfpipe at Wakefield Skatepark The Wakefield Skatepark is going to be redesigned and expanded, and the Fairfax County Park Authority is seeking input from the skateboarders, inline skaters, and BMX bikers who use it. The Wakefield Skatepark is the only stakepark in Annandale. Located at the Audrey Moore RECenter, it was built in 2004. … Continued
Annandale farmers’ markets offer someing for everyone
If you’re tired of the same old stuff you can find in the grocery stores, check out the unusual items you can find at the local farmers’ markets. On a recent visit to the market at Wakefield park in Annandale, F.J. Medina & Sons Farm (right) had spherical zucchinis; long, skinny, purple eggplants; and “candy onions”; … Continued
Parklawn takes pride in local park
Kudos to the Parklawn community for its continuing efforts to beautify Glasgow Park. Residents spent this past Saturday planting $2,000 worth of trees and shrubs as the final stage of a project funded by a Fairfax County Neighborhood Enhancement Partnership Program grant.