Tag: parks

FXCO Park Board votes to restrict field use
Ossian Hall Park The Fairfax County Park Authority Board approved a policy July 13 to prohibit groups of 20 or more from using county athletic fields unless they are part of a registered league. The previous limit was 40. The rule change could have the effect of virtually shutting out the casual soccer games that … Continued

Public urged to testify on ‘walk-on’ field use at FXCO Park Board hearing
Ossian Hall Park People who use Fairfax County athletic fields on a casual basis are encouraged to come to a Park Authority Board hearing July 13 on a proposal to limit the number of “walk-ons” from 40 to 20. That includes spectators, as well as players. If the rule change passes, people who like to … Continued

Community input sought on Wakefield Skatepark expansion
The halfpipe at Wakefield Skatepark The Wakefield Skatepark is going to be redesigned and expanded, and the Fairfax County Park Authority is seeking input from the skateboarders, inline skaters, and BMX bikers who use it. The Wakefield Skatepark is the only stakepark in Annandale. Located at the Audrey Moore RECenter, it was built in 2004. … Continued

Annandale farmers’ markets offer someing for everyone
If you’re tired of the same old stuff you can find in the grocery stores, check out the unusual items you can find at the local farmers’ markets. On a recent visit to the market at Wakefield park in Annandale, F.J. Medina & Sons Farm (right) had spherical zucchinis; long, skinny, purple eggplants; and “candy onions”; … Continued

Parklawn takes pride in local park
Kudos to the Parklawn community for its continuing efforts to beautify Glasgow Park. Residents spent this past Saturday planting $2,000 worth of trees and shrubs as the final stage of a project funded by a Fairfax County Neighborhood Enhancement Partnership Program grant.

FX CO park board weighs rules to limit ‘walk-ons’ on county fields
Mason District Park New rules under consideration by the Fairfax County Park Authority Board would severely curtail the use of parks for casual, pick-up games of soccer and other sports. Under current policy, if a field is not in use by a group that reserved it in advance, a “walk-on” group, with up to 40 … Continued

Despite development, deer still call Annandale home
These deer were spotted just outside the Fred M. Packard Center close to Annandale Community Park. Have you spotted any wildlife in Annandale? Send us photos.

Ossian Hall Park shows celebrate cultural heritage
Korean drummers performed at the Ossian Hall Park ribbon-cutting ceremony. The free summer concert/cultural heritage series at Ossian Hall Park starts June 5 with a performance by the U.S. Army’s rock band, Downranger. Concerts will continue, every Sunday night, 7 p.m., through Aug. 28. The cultural nights include dance performances, music, and movies. The newly renovated … Continued

Park Authority Board Member Update, April 2011
Observatory at Turner Park By Marie Reinsdorf This is the second in my new series of brief news pieces to let you know what’s happening at the Fairfax County Park Authority Board. At our most recent meeting, April 13, the board voted to approve three Mastenbrook matching-fund grant applications. Mastenbrook funds come from previously … Continued
Schedule set for Spotlight by Starlight summer concerts in Mason District Park
The following free concerts take place in the Newton W. Edwards Amphitheatre at Mason District Park, 6621 Columbia Pike in Annandale. The shows listed are on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays at 7:30 p.m. In addition, there will be free performance for children on Saturdays at 10 a.m. in the same location. The schedule for those … Continued
Fairfax County grants support neighborhood improvement projects
Congratulations to the 29 neighborhood and homeowner groups that received 2011 Neighborhood Enhancement Partnership Program (NEPP) grants. The organizations that received grants include these in the Mason District and the greater Annandale area: Broyhill Crest Recreation Club/Broyhill Crest Community Association—Clean Up and Reclamation of Broyhill Crest Lot 10A. Chapel Square West Community Association—Community Parkland Access Staircase. … Continued

Unidentified creature spotted in Holmes Run Park
An alert reader spotted what looks like a large furry creature while walking through Holmes Run Park a few weeks ago. There were several large bones nearby. Yikes!! He took these photos, but when he tried got closer, the thing growled and started coming after him. Fortunately, he was able to run away. Anyone see anything like … Continued
Park perspectives: Fee increases rejected
The Annandale blog would like to introduce the first column by Marie Reinsdorf, a Falls Church/Annandale resident who serves as an at-large member of the Fairfax County Park Authority Board. Marie will be sharing news and information about Fairfax County parks and possibly other issues. [updated April 1] To learn about Park Authority Board meetings, … Continued
Classes for kids at Hidden Oaks on nature and science
Hidden Oaks Nature Center, Annandale’s best spot for kids to experience and learn about nature, is starting a series of classes for kids next week. The classes are these topics: Meteorology—starts Monday, March 28, 3 p.m.; ages 5-10; program code 308 271 6401. Zoology (Science behind Animals)—starts Wednesday, March 30, 4 p.m.; ages 6-10; program code 308 … Continued
FXCO approves plan for Hogge Park
The master plan for the Boyd A. and Charlotte M. Hogge Park in Bailey’s Crossroads, approved by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors last month, outlines a series of amenities for the 6-acre property that could be developed when funding becomes available. The park consists of two separate areas with a narrow path connecting them. … Continued