Tag: parks

Performers announced for Annandale’s Mason District Park Festival
The Fairfax County Park Authority has announced the musical line-up for the Mason District Park Festival in Annandale, Va. The festival takes places Saturday, Sept. 25, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Mallonee This year’s live entertainment includes: 11 a.m.- Kristina Furey. Described as “chick rock with tomboy attitude,” Furey has been compared with Sheryl Crow, Michelle Branch, and … Continued

Annandale children say ‘adios,’ as monarchs begin long journey to Mexico
About half a dozen monarch butterflies got a fond farewell as they headed off to Mexico from Annandale’s Hidden Oaks Nature Center Sunday afternoon. Before they flew away, Assistant Manager Suzanne Holland attached tiny stickers to their wings to help biologists track their journey. Monarch butterflies eat milkweed leaves, and Hidden Oaks’ butterfly garden is … Continued

Long-range park planning document addresses park issues in Annandale
Among the Fairfax County Park Authority’s long-range plans for Annandale are recommendations for new trails and new connections between existing trails, upgraded facilities at the Hidden Oaks Nature Center and Audrey Moore RECenter, the preservation of historic sites, and much more. These proposals are included in the draft report, Great Parks, Great Communities. This project was initiated … Continued
Women soccer players unhappy with county ruling on Pine Ridge Park
After 20 years of playing soccer—and maintaining the fields—at Pine Ridge Park in Annandale, the Fairfax Women’s Soccer Association (FWSA) is losing its preferential treatment to use all three fields all day on Saturdays. “We did manage to keep our Saturday daytime hours for now on two of the fields, just not the one being … Continued

Mason District to be designated a ‘community wildlife habitat’
The National Wildlife Federation plans to certify Fairfax County’s Mason District as a “Community Wildlife Habitat.” The certification will be formally presented at a September meeting of the county Board of Supervisors. The Community Wildlife Habitat program is an extension of the NWF’s Certified Wildlife Habitat program, which recognizes people and groups who make their backyards, … Continued

Construction starts on Korean pavilion and bell garden
The first Korean bell pavilion on the East Coast and only bell garden in North America is being built at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, a regional park in Vienna near Wolf Trap. The bell garden is the brainchild of Jeung Hwa Elmejjad-Yi, the chair of the Korean-American Cultural Committee, based in Annandale. Many local residents and … Continued

Annandale farmers markets offer fresh produce and much more
If you’re thinking about serving your families more fruits and vegetables, supplement your grocery shopping with a trip to one of Fairfax County’s farmers markets. There are two in the Annandale area: The Farmers Market at Mason District Park is open on Thursdays, 8 a.m.-noon, and the market at Wakefield Park is open Wednesdays, 2-6 … Continued

Kiwanis members fix up Nature Playce at Hidden Oaks
ature Playce, the outdoor play area at the Hidden Oaks Nature Center, is a lot nicer, thanks to the efforts of the Kiwanis Club of Annandale. About 25 members of the volunteer service organization spent several hours this morning repairing the fence and doing other work. They replaced more than 120 rotting fence rails, fixed … Continued

Festival shines spotlight on Glasgow Park
A large crowd turned for the Parklawn Community Association’s Music in the Park Festival last Saturday to support improvements in Glasgow Park. The family-friendly event featured music from Glasgow Middle School students and local bands, food, crafts, moon bounces, and a fire truck.
Hidden Oaks Nature Center offers summer camp programs for kids
Still looking for a summer program for your kids? The Hidden Oaks Nature Center (7701 Royce St., in Annandale) still has a few spots left in its nature camps. Earthkeepers Camp, July 7-9, is all about exploring woods and watersheds, learning about the environment, restoring habitats, and making crafts from recyclables. It’s for children ages … Continued

Women’s soccer league concerned about losing Saturday access to Pine Ridge Park
Women who’ve enjoyed playing soccer at Pine Ridge Park for 20 years are worried they might not be able to play there on Saturdays any more. That’s because the soccer fields are scheduled to be refurbished with synthetic turf this summer, and Fairfax County’s Department of Community and Recreation Services, which allocates athletic fields, has … Continued

Explore nature at Hidden Oaks
In the midst of the busy highways, shopping centers, and human activity that surround Annandale, the Hidden Oaks Nature Center offers a peaceful refuge for wildlife and a fun place for children to encounter and learn about nature. You might call Hidden Oaks one of Annandale’s hidden gems. Fairfax County has five nature centers, but Hidden … Continued

Bo White was a tireless advocate for our parks
Annandale has lost a tireless community and parks advocate, with the recent death of Bo White. As a long-time representative of Mason District on the Fairfax County Park Authority Board, White played a lead role in establishing the garden plot program and the farmers’ market at Mason District Park, saving and renovating the historic Clark … Continued

Ossian Park will have artifical turf field
The new field at the renovated Ossian Park will have artificial turf instead of natural turf as originally planned, says Rosemary Ryan, senior legislative aide to Braddock District Supervisor John C. Cooke. The renovation project is expected to cost less than expected, allowing for the turf upgrade and additional landscape plantings. [Click on the map … Continued

Yikes! Watch out for copperheads; increased sightings in Fairfax County
There have been a lot more copperhead sighting this spring than usual, reports Fairfax County wildlife biologist Vicky Monroe. At least three people have been bitten by the highly venomous snakes, including one man in Reston who was hospitalized for four days. Other people have been bitten by copperheads in Clifton and in Riverbend Park … Continued