Tag: parks
Music in the Park event June 13 will benefit Glasgow Park
Mason District’s Parklawn neighborhood has to have one of the most active, committed community organizations in Fairfax County. Over the past few months, this group has launched anti-litter campaigns, clean-up days, and projects to improve Glasgow Park and the Parklawn pool, with much of these activities supported by a $5,000 Neighborhood Enhancement grant from Fairfax … Continued
Help keep Annandale parks safe and clean: Sign up for the new volunteer park monitor program
Concerned about having well-maintained, litter-free parks in Annandale? You can volunteer to be a park monitor under a new program launched by the Fairfax County Park Authority’s Park Operations Division. Volunteers will receive training on the park rules and regulations and how to diplomatically interact with the public. Park monitors must be at least 18 … Continued

Annandale volunteers needed for Invasive Plant Removal Day this Saturday
Annandale residents are invited to join the effort to wipe out invasive plants that are taking over our parks and streams. A series of events is planned statewide on May 1, Virginia Invasive Plant Removal Day, including two in Annandale: Annandale Community Park, Lafayette Village Drive, off Hummer Road. Volunteers will focus on removing porcelainberry plants, … Continued
Volunteers needed for stream clean-up
Volunteers will be cleaning up streambeds throughout the D.C. region—including several locations in the Annandale area—this Saturday, April 10, as part of the 22nd annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup. The regional effort, sponsored by the Alice Ferguson Foundation is aimed at removing trash from parks, parking lots, and fields before it enters creeks and other waterways that drain into … Continued

Litter clean-up ideas offered
Daren Shumate of the Parklawn community is tired of picking up trash from the ball fields his children use and around schoolyards and along roadways. He told a group of community leaders at a meeting in Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross’ office March 27 that he regularly fills up six bags of trash on a … Continued

Parklawn hosts fundraiser at Dogfish Head Ale House Tuesday
On Tuesday, March 23, a percentage of the money spent all day at the Dogfish Head Ale House on Route 7 in the Seven Corners Shopping Center will be donated to the Parklawn Community’s efforts to improve Glasgow Park. The Parklawn community has received a Neighborhood Enhancement grant from Fairfax County to rehabilitate the park, but … Continued
Fairfax County’s proposed budget cuts: The impact on Annandale
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors will be making some difficult decisions as it addresses the county’s $257.2 million budget shortfall. At Supervisor Penny Gross’s Town Hall meeting earlier this week, County Executive Anthony Griffin said, “We just can’t raise the tax rate,” noting that people are not seeing their incomes increase, and many are, … Continued

Grants will support community projects in Parklawn
Congratulations to the Parklawn community for receiving $10,000 in 2010 grant funds from Fairfax County for community improvement projects. The Parklawn Civic Association received a $5,000 Neighborhood Enhancement Grant for fixing up Glasgow Park, and the Parklawn Pool also received $5,000 grant for environmental improvements, reports the association’s president, Mollie Loeffler. The grant for the … Continued

ReLeaf works to conserve and restore urban forests
It always seems like there’s more open space in winter until the trees start sprouting new leaves. But each year, the onslaught of suburban development and large projects, like the beltway HOT lanes construction, have led to a steady decline of the tree cover in Fairfax County. A wonderful volunteer organization called Fairfax ReLeaf is … Continued

Winter storm could be a record breaker
With more than a foot of snow covering Annandale already (at 2 p.m. Saturday), we could be snowbound for days. According to the National Weather Service, we could be in the midst of the biggest winter storm to hit the D.C. area since February 2003 when we had 16 inches of snow. The storm could also … Continued

Wine tastings at Hidden Oaks Nature Center
My friend, Jill Anderson, of the Lake Barcroft blog, reports on an upcoming series of wine tastings this winter at the Hidden Oaks Nature Center. Faced the with prospect of draconian budget cuts, the Fairfax County Parks must come up with creative ways to raise revenue. Hidden Oaks, located off Hummer Road in between Gallows and … Continued
Renovations to Ossian Hall Park to start in 2010
The second phase of the renovations to Ossian Hall Park in Annandale will begin next month. The new park is expected to officially reopen in early November 2010, says Eric C. Brunner of the Fairfax County Park Authority’s Planning and Development Division. The park, located on the corner of Heritage Drive and Four Year Run … Continued