Tag: politics

Candidates for Fairfax County sheriff speak at Annandale forum
Independent candidate Chris DeCarlo. All of the candidates for Fairfax County sheriff and most of the House of Delegates candidates for districts that include the Annandale/Mason area appeared at a forum in Annandale Oct. 17 co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area and the Mason District Council of Community Associations. This … Continued
Meet candidates at a forum tonight in Annandale
The Nov. 5 election is less than three weeks away, and some people have already voted. If you’re still undecided, come to a candidates meet-and-greet event tonight at Annandale United Methodist Church, 6935 Columbia Pike, 7-9 p.m. The forum is sponsored by the League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area and the Mason District … Continued

Del. Kory reaches out to voters
Del. Kaye Kory listens to constituents’ concerns at a gathering in Laurie Linderg’s backyard. In an informal session at the Annandale home of a constituent Oct. 13, Del. Kaye Kory talked to neighbors about legislation she plans to introduce in the next session of the General Assembly and how frustrating it’s been trying to get … Continued
Meet Del. Kory and other candidates
Del. Kaye Kory is inviting constituents to four neighborhood coffee-and-conversation gatherings in people’s homes in the Annandale/Mason area this month. “Please join me and let’s talk about what’s on your mind,” Kory says. Kory, a Democrat, represents the 38th District in the House of Delegates, which includes a large portion of Annandale and the Mason … Continued

McAuliffe, Cuccinelli address minority chambers of commerce
McAuliffe At the first-ever Minority Chambers Candidates Forum, Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe stressed his position as a mainstream leader able to work with both parties, while the Republican candidate, Ken Cuccinelli, focused on his accomplishments as Virginia attorney general. The event, at the Annandale campus of Northern Virginia Community College Oct. 6, was hosted by … Continued

Virginia political leaders celebrate new Democratic Asian American caucus
Organizers, members, and supporters of the state Democratic Asian American caucus. A multicultural mix of politicians, candidates past and present, and their supporters gathered at Fortune restaurant in Seven Corners Oct. 1 to celebrate the launch of the Asian American Pacific Islander Caucus of the Democratic Party of Virginia. The creation of this caucus “recognizes … Continued

Cuccinelli brings campaign for governor to Annandale
Cuccinelli speaks in Annandale. Republican candidate for governor, Ken Cuccinelli, appeared at a rally in front of the home of Denny and Susie d’Alelio in the Canterbury Woods neighborhood in Annandale Sept. 29 to urge his supporters to vote for him, spread his message, and contribute to his campaign. Noting that his opponent is accusing … Continued

Governor candidates attack each other’s credentials and agendas
Terry McAuliffe (left) and Ken Cuccinelli attack one another during a debate. [Photo by NBC4.] At a lively debate Sept. 25, the Democratic candidate for Virginia governor, Terry McAuliffe emphasized his business background and mainstream agenda, while Republican candidate Ken Cuccinelli focused on his experience as attorney general and downplayed his ties to Gov. McDonnell’s … Continued

Lieutenant governor candidates Jackson and Northam clash in debate
From the left: E.W. Jackson, Ralph Northam, and Peggy Fox. [Photo by WUSA9.] At a debate Sept. 24 that pitted E.W. Jackson, the Republican candidate for Virginia lieutenant governor against Democrat Ralph Northam, Jackson tried to downplay some of the more controversial statements he’d made in recent months. Those statements—such as “gay people are perverted” … Continued

Virginia governor candidate McAuliffe greets supporters in Annandale
Left to right: Candidate for governor Terry McAuliffe, Fairfax County sheriff candidate Stacey Kincaid, former attorney general candidate in the Democratic primary Justin Fairfax, Mason Supervisor Penny Gross, and House of Delegates candidate Marcus Simon. Terry McAuliffe, Democratic candidate for governor, appeared at a campaign stop in an Annandale backyard Aug. 31 to urge the … Continued

Democrats select Kincaid as candidate for Fairfax County Sheriff
Kincaid Fairfax County Democrats selected Stacey Kincaid as candidate for Fairfax County Sheriff. Kincaid got 605 of the votes cast compared to 351 for Mark Sites in a caucus July 23 at Woodson High School. If she wins in the general election on Nov. 5, Kincaid would be the first woman sheriff of Fairfax County. … Continued

Democrats can vote in caucus July 23 to select sheriff candidate
Mark Sites and Stacey Kincaid speak at a candidates forum July 17 sponsored by the Fairfax County Young Democrats. [Photo by Gregg MacDonald/Fairfax County Times.] The Fairfax County Democratic Committee is having a caucus July 23 to select a candidate for Fairfax County sheriff. The two candidates are Stacey Kincaid and Mark Sites. The caucus … Continued

For Del. Kory outlines legislative priorities, challenges
Kory answers questions from constituents in Annandale. Kaye Kory, a Democrat representing the 38th District in the Virginia House of Delegates might not have a Republican opponent, but that isn’t stopping her from mounting a serious campaign for re-election. Kory has been appearing at small gatherings in people’s homes in an attempt to reach out … Continued

Fairfax County crucial in primary wins for Northam and Herring
In a Democratic primary with extremely low turnout, Virginia voters selected Ralph Northam to run for lieutenant governor and Mark Herring as the candidate for attorney general. Northam, a state senator and pediatric neurosurgeon from Norfolk, got 54 percent of the vote statewide, beating challenger Aneesh Chopra of Arlington, the former chief technology officer in … Continued
Del. Kory launches re-election campaign
From the left: Rep. Moran, Rep. Connolly, and Del. Kory. Congressmen Jim Moran and Gerry Connolly helped Del. Kaye Kory kick off her re-election campaign July 9 at a gathering at the home of Elaine and Jon Kent in Lake Barcroft. Kory, a Democrat, was first elected to represent the 38th district in the House … Continued