Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

VA lt. governor candidates Chopra and Northam square off in debate

Left to right: Aneesh Chopra, moderator Rex Simmons, and Ralph Northam. The two candidates running in the Democratic primary for Virginia lieutenant governor—Aneesh Chopra and Ralph Northam—agree on a lot of key policy issues, such as women’s access to healthcare and the need to curb gun violence. One area where they differ is campaign tactics. … Continued

McAuliffe’s priorities include transportation, education, equality

Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic candidate for governor of Virginia, told a roomful of supporters May 9 that his priorities include ending discrimination based on sexual orientation, reproductive rights for women, and more funding for transportation and education. “We’ve got to grow the economy here in Northern Virginia,” and that means addressing the transportation problem, McAuliffe … Continued

Virginia transportation bill is a step in the right direction

Saslaw speaks at the Legislative Town Hall. The landmark transportation bill passed by the Virginia General Assembly last week is far from perfect, but it provides a badly needed infusion of new money and sets a precedent for recognizing the needs of Northern Virginia, lawmakers representing the Annandale area told constituents at a Legislative Town … Continued

Del. Kory outlines legislative agenda

Kory (center) speaks with constituents. With the Virginia General Assembly set to open Jan. 9, Del. Kaye Kory, whose district includes most of Annandale, is putting the finishing touches on the bills she is planning to introduce. At a fundraiser in the Seven Corners area Jan. 6, Kory outlined some of the bills she has … Continued

Forum focuses on congressional candidates

From the left: Murphy, Moran, Howell, Cabral, Wolf, Chisholm, Connolly, Galdo, Gibson, and Perkins. Candidates for the U.S. Congress laid out their positions on a broad range of issues at a forum Oct. 6 at Luther Jackson High School sponsored by the Korean Coalition for Political Participation. As the auditorium was filled with Korean Americans, … Continued

Obama campaigns in Fairfax County

At a campaign event at Centreville High School Saturday afternoon, President Obama clearly differentiated himself from his Republican opponent. “They believe all the benefits will trickle down,” Obama said. “We tried that before. It did not work.” As a result of those failed policies, “we went from surpluses to deficits,” he said, and experienced “the … Continued

Nancy Pelosi draws record crowd at fundraiser

Del. David Bulova and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi share a moment at the FDR Dinner By Judith Fogel It was a packed ballroom Sunday night as local Democrats turned out for an elegant evening at the McLean Hilton in Tysons Corner. The main attraction was congressional Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, who headlined the first … Continued

Democrats open campaign office

With the opening of an Organizing for America office at Loehmann’s Plaza in Falls Church April 14, the campaign to re-elect President Obama is officially up and running in Fairfax County. The office will serve as a hub for volunteers engaged in phone banking, door-to-door canvassing, and other campaign activities on behalf of Obama and … Continued

Cesar Del Aquila elected chair of FXCO Democrats

Cesar Del Aguila of the Dranesville District was elected chairman of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee last night at the annual FCDC reorganization meeting at Falls Church High School. He defeated Barbara Caputo, FCDC regional vice chair-north, by a vote of 208 to 204. Del Aguilar has served as vice chairman of the Dranesville Democratic … Continued

Various groups endorsing candidates vying to represent Annandale area

For all of you who still haven’t made up your minds about who to vote for tomorrow, it might be helpful to see which organizations have endorsed the candidates. Here is a list of some of the major endorsements for candidates hoping to represent Annandale/Mason District residents: State Senate – 37th District Dave Marsden, (Democrat, … Continued

Gross and Feld offer opposing views on the state of Mason District

Penny Gross and David Feld have very different perspectives on the state of Mason District. Feld, the Republican candidate hoping to unseat Gross, says the commercial centers of Annandale, Bailey’s Crossroads and Seven Corners are in dire need of revitalization, as redevelopment investment bypasses this part of the county. “We are not getting our share … Continued

Marsden picks up Post endorsement

With the slim Democratic majority in the Virginia Senate hanging in the balance, the tight race between the incumbent David Marsden and his Republican challenger, Jason Flanary, in the 37th District is crucial. A Washington Post endorsement could be a decisive factor, and on Oct. 18, the Post’s editorial board came out squarely in favor … Continued