Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

GOP newcomer challenges Senate Majority Leader Saslaw

Sarvis Annandale area voters will see some new faces challenging incumbents on the ballot next November.   Today, we’ll look at how the races are shaping up for the Virginia Senate; we’ll look at House of Delegates, Fairfax County, and other elections in future posts. In the 35th District, Republican Robert Sarvis is challenging the incumbent … Continued

Braddock supervisor candidate Greidinger not afraid to talk about taxes

At a time when few politicians have the courage to openly talk about tax increases to address huge budget deficits, Marc Greidinger, a candidate for the Fairfax Board of Supervisors, says a tax increase is “absolutely necessary.”   Greidinger, a Democrat, is hoping to unseat the Republican incumbent, John Cook, as supervisor for the Braddock … Continued