Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Greidinger to challenge Cook for Braddock seat on FX CO board

Democrat Marc Greidinger, an attorney from Springfield specializing in environmental and conservation issues, is challenging Republican incumbent John C. Cook for the Braddock District seat on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. Other Democrats are expected to join the supervisor race in Braddock, as well, possibly including Christopher Wade, a management consultant and member of … Continued

Potential candidates may run against Penny Gross

Mason District members of the Fairfax County Republican Committee are beginning to meet with potential candidates interested in considering a run against Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross. The Annandale blog has learned that one of them is David Feld. That would be surprising, as Feld backed Democratic candidates in the past and hosted a fundraiser last June to … Continued

Penny Gross launches re-election campaign

Gross and Bulova Penny Gross, Mason District’s representative on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, kicked off her re-election campaign Sunday at a fundraising event at the home of Dottie Bennett and Richard Morton in Lake Barcroft. Among the politicians who turned out for Gross at the 15th Annual Champagne and Chocolate Extravaganza: Rep. Jim … Continued

Candidates line up for Fairfax County School Board election

Five candidates are planning to seek endorsements from the Fairfax County Democratic Committee to run for at-large seats on the Fairfax County School Board. They are: Greg Brandon (a resident of the Springfield District)—treasurer of Longfellow Middle School PTA and former president of Chesterbrook Elementary School PTA. Charisse Glassman (Providence)—parent activist and member of the … Continued

Del. Kory’s Report from Richmond: Full legislative agenda will address ABC privatization, ‘murky’ budget picture

By Del. Kaye Kory The legislative calendar for the commonwealth is accelerating as the deadline approaches for delegates to submit legislation for the upcoming session. This session is the “short” session, as it is the second year of the biennium. Still, the legislative agenda will be a full one, or at least should be, and … Continued

Fimian concedes election; Connolly released from hospital

A week after an election in which Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly narrowly beat Republican challenger Keith Fimian to represent Virginia’s 11th congressional district, Fimian has conceded. In the official vote count reported by the Virginia State Board of Elections, Fimian trailed Connolly by 981 votes. The Washington Post published Fimian’s statement on the election results: … Continued

Connolly’s lead expands

As of 3:17 p.m., Rep. Gerry Connolly’s (D) lead over Keith Fimian (R) has widened to 968 votes. Connolly had 111,695 (49.22 percent), and Fimian had 110,727 (48.76 percent). So far, Fimian has neither conceded or requested a recount. As expected all three of the proposed amendments to the Virginia Constitution passed, as did the Fairfax … Continued

Watch out for voter intimidation on Nov. 2

The Fairfax County Democratic Committee is urging its members to watch out for voter intimidation on Election Day, in light of Fairfax County Electoral Board Vice Chair Hans von Spakovsky’s involvement in voter suppression efforts around the county, particularly in districts with a heavily minority or low-income population. The committee cites a report on MSNBC’s … Continued

Police investigate burglary in Annandale

A blog reader reports that the Fairfax County police were knocking on doors on Beverly Manor Drive in Annandale today. The police canvassing follows a burglary on Dale Court that fits the pattern of burglaries that have occurred throughout Fairfax County over that past several months. View Larger Map

Cuccinelli defends Virginia’s suit against health reform at event in Annandale

At a “meet and greet” at the Northern Virginia Jewish Community Center in Annandale Wednesday evening, Virginia Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli defended his lawsuit against the federal health care act and his subpoena challenging the research of a former University of Virginia professor on climate change. The audience at the JCC was decidedly mixed, in … Continued

Annandale’s reps in Richmond oppose privatizing liquor stores

Annandale’s representatives in the state legislature oppose Gov. Bob McDonnell’s proposal to privatize state-run liquor stores. McDonnell, a Republican, has been pushing the privatization concept in town meetings across the state and is expected to announce a detailed proposal next week. McDonnell contends that privatizating the stores now run by the Virginia Department of Alcohol Beverage … Continued

Connolly lauds Obama’s accomplishments

“I’m proud to have stood by President Barack Obama’s agenda, and I’m not running away from it,” Rep. Gerry Connolly told a roomful of supporters Wednesday evening. Connolly, a Democrat, represents Virginia’s 11th district (which includes Annandale, along with most of Fairfax and Prince Williams counties). He was swept into office in 2008, as a … Continued