Tag: politics

Del. Kory connects with constituents
It’s been “a very exciting and challenging year,” Del. Kaye Kory (28th District) told a crowd of supporters about her first term in the state legislature at a reception in her honor Sunday in the Lake Barcroft home of David Feld. As a freshman Democrat in a Republican-dominated House, Kory (pictured here at the swearing in) has been … Continued
Del. Kory to hold Town Hall Saturday morning
Annandale residents are encouraged to come to the first Town Hall meeting sponsored by our representative in the state House of Delegates, Kaye Kory. The meeting will be Saturday, Feb. 6, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at Belvedere Elementary School on Columbia Pike. The session features special guest, Dick Saslaw, the majority Leader in the state Senate. … Continued
A few impressions on a telephone town meeting
The following report was submitted by Around Annandale contributor Jack Winston: Earlier this month, Rep. Gerry Connolly held his fifth Telephone Town Meeting of the year. The traditional Congressional Town Hall, typically held in a town hall or school auditorium, allows members of Congress to meet constituents in person and discuss issues of importance with … Continued

Sen. Webb speaks on health care reform, war in Afghanistan
Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) told a roomful of supporters Thursday evening the Democrats lost the three statewide spots in the recent election because “we got outhustled,” adding the Republicans were able to get more people to the polls. Webb spoke at a meeting of the Brigades, a group of Democratic activists formed to support Webb’s … Continued
Deeds gets real about revenue
In an exclusive interview with the Annandale blog, Democratic candidate for governor Creigh Deeds indicated that addressing Virginia’s transportation problem is going to require a tax increase. The needed revenue “is not going to fall like manna from heaven,” he said. Republican candidate Bob McDonnell’s “plan [to privatize the state-run liquor stores] doesn’t work. The … Continued
Kory, Smith square off on taxes
The candidates for the 38th district of the House of Delegates—Democrat Kaye Kory and Republican Danny Smith—clearly differed on the issue of raising taxes Oct. 13 at the Greater Sleepy Hollow Candidates Forum at the Congressional School sponsored by the Sleepy Hollow. The 38th district includes most of Annandale, Lake Barcroft, and parts of Falls … Continued
Deeds campaign gains momentum
The Creigh Deeds campaign was certainly energized by the emergence of his opponent’s thesis outlining an extremist, hateful social agenda. Without mentioning Bob McDonnell by name, Deeds told a large crowd at his Tysons Corner campaign office Wednesday evening that the thesis goes a long way to explain McDonnell’s voting history. In the statehouse, McDonnell … Continued
Obama plugs Deeds at campaign rally
About 1,800 people gave Democratic gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds a warm welcome at a campaign rally Aug. 6, but the real star of the evening was President Obama, who was greeted with cheers and shouts of “yes, we can,” reminiscent of his high-energy presidential campaign. With Deeds slightly behind his Republican challenger, former state attorney … Continued