Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Fairfax County fails to shut down commercial yard sales

A yard sale at 4010 Braddock Road Nov. 16. [Photo taken by a neighbor] Fairfax County’s failure to shut down illegal, commercial yard sales in Parklawn and surrounding neighborhoods in Mason District calls into question the county’s ability and willingness to address other code enforcement issues. Parklawn resident Richard Zambito, who’s been battling the yard … Continued

RSU proposal revised: these units would be barred from low-density neighborhoods

A full house at the RSU meeting. An amended proposal on residential studio units (RSUs) will be presented to the Fairfax County Planning Commission to bar this type of housing from low-density, single-family neighborhoods. This major change was announced at a packed meeting on RSUs Nov. 14 organized by the Mason District Council of Community … Continued

Jeanne Simmons, age 96, refuses to vacate Hillwood Square home

Simmons “I don’t want to move,” says Jeanne Simmons, age 96, who is refusing to vacate her home of 57 years in Hillwood Square. A majority of owners of the cooperative complex in the Falls Church area of Fairfax County voted to sell the property to AvalonBay Communities Inc., which plans to develop 461 garden-style … Continued

Affordable housing advocates promoting residential studio units

Community leaders oppose studio units in single-family neighborhoods already plagued by overcrowded houses. Discussions here about Fairfax County’s proposal for a new zoning category to allow “residential studio units” (RSUs) have mainly focused on the potentially deleterious effect on stable residential neighborhoods. Yet there’s another side to the issue. Advocates for affordable housing have been … Continued

VDOT orders Buddhist temple to address right of way violations

Officials from both the Fairfax County code compliance department and the Virginia Department of Transportation are investigating complaints from neighbors about the Buddhist temple at 6822 Columbia Pike in Annandale. Among the complaints: trees cut down in front of the property facing Columbia Pike, potentially illegal changes to the property, and the operation of a … Continued

County grants available for neighborhood improvement projects

A Mason District Little League game at the Bailey’s Community Center. Park benches, trails, pavilions, tot lots, community-building social events: These are the types of projects funded by Neighborhood Enhancement Partnership Program (NEPP) grants. Community associations, HOAs, and recreation clubs should definitely consider applying for these Fairfax County grants aimed enhancing the quality of life … Continued

Vounteers sought for Mason District cleanup events

Don’t let litter take over your community. The Mason District Council  (MDC) of Community Associations is urging everyone to take pride in their community and join one of the many clean-up activities scheduled over the next few months. A recent MDC neighborhood survey found 86 percent of respondents are extremely or somewhat concerned with litter … Continued