Tag: Recreation

Pro Maxx brings fitness to Annandale
Pro MAXX Fitness, the gym in the Annandale Shopping Center on Columbia Pike, has opened just in time for those of us planning a more active, healthier lifestyle in 2013. If you used to work out at the old Maxx Fitness in that spot, you won’t recognize the new Maxx. It’s been totally redesigned with … Continued

Government, police, nonprofits featured at Mason District Open House
Pfc. Brian Buckholtz and MPO Tom Eggers of the Fairfax County Police Department’s bomb squad with bomb-sniffing dog, Marko. Visitors to the Mason District Open House Saturday got a chance to meet police dogs; learn about Fairfax County government programs; explore the SWAT truck; chat with Supervisor Penny Gross, Rep. Gerry Connolly, and Mason police … Continued

Skate event highlights need to develop park in central Annandale
D.C. Roller Girls try out the ramps in the Annandale Fire Station parking lot. Several skateboarders and community members came to a temporary “skate event” with portable ramps and ledges in Annandale Fire Station parking lot Saturday to show their support for the development of a skate plaza and park in a nearby vacant lot. … Continued

Parks bond provides funds for White Gardens, fields, and trails
The White Gardens: a hidden gem in Falls Church The $75 million park bond, on the Nov. 6 ballot, would fund several projects in the Annandale area, including improvements to the John C. and Margaret K. White Gardens and synthetic turf fields at Pine Ridge Park. The bond includes $63 million for the Fairfax County … Continued

Registration for Mason District Little League closes Aug. 15
The MDLL spring 2011 all-star team for 11-12 year-olds. Hey kids, get off the couch and get ready to play ball! The deadline for registering for the fall season of the Mason District Little League (MDLL) is Aug. 15. MDLL provides teeball and baseball opportunities for boys and girls ages 4-12 in Annandale, Alexandria, and … Continued

Be an ‘Olympic’ contender at Audrey Moore RECenter at Wakefield
Can’t get to the London Olympics but still want to do something sort of Olympics-related right here in Annandale? You can participate in one or more of the events in the “Audrey Moore Olympics” at the Audrey Moore RECenter at Wakefield Park. You won’t get a gold medal—or cereal endorsement—but if you complete all the … Continued
Park Authority Board updates
The following report is the latest in a series of occasional updates about Fairfax County Park Authority Board matters by at-large member and Annandale/Falls Church area resident Marie Reinsdorf. Greetings! Since my last update in early January, the Fairfax County Park Authority Board voted to approve the following: The Park Authority Board approved an agreement … Continued

Maxx Fitness to close Dec. 30
Patrons of Maxx Fitness were surprised to learn the Annandale gym will close for six weeks, beginning Dec. 30, as the owners of the Annandale Shopping Center plan to renovate the building. Flyers posted at Maxx say the new gym will honor memberships to Maxx and that those memberships will be extended for an additional … Continued
Free exercise class offered at Audrey Moore RECenter
The Fairfax County Park Authority is introducing a new exercise program, Les Mills Bodypump, with a free class at the Audrey Moore RECenter in Annandale July 30 at 9 a.m. Les Mills Bodypump, developed in New Zealand, is a non-impact exercise class that works every major muscle group in the body using weights, a bar, … Continued

Community input sought on Wakefield Skatepark expansion
The halfpipe at Wakefield Skatepark The Wakefield Skatepark is going to be redesigned and expanded, and the Fairfax County Park Authority is seeking input from the skateboarders, inline skaters, and BMX bikers who use it. The Wakefield Skatepark is the only stakepark in Annandale. Located at the Audrey Moore RECenter, it was built in 2004. … Continued

At Maxx Fitness, you can get training advice from an Olympian
Ahmed with some of his trophies. Annandale’s Maxx Fitness, has something you’re not likely to find at any other gym around here: The owner, Ahmed Ragheb, is a weightlifting champion who has competed in the Olympics. You’ll find him at the gym most days, advising clients on weightlifting techniques and the proper use of the … Continued

Registration open for Rec-PAC summer program for elementary school-age kids
If you’re wondering what your kids are going to do all summer, you might want to check out Rec-PAC, a fun six-week program operated by the Fairfax County Park Authority for kids who are entering the first through seventh grades this fall. Rec-PAC takes place at 50 Fairfax County public schools, including several in … Continued

FX CO park board weighs rules to limit ‘walk-ons’ on county fields
Mason District Park New rules under consideration by the Fairfax County Park Authority Board would severely curtail the use of parks for casual, pick-up games of soccer and other sports. Under current policy, if a field is not in use by a group that reserved it in advance, a “walk-on” group, with up to 40 … Continued

At least one Annandale-area pool affected by drain recall
The pool at Talltree South Just when you thought it was safe to get in the water, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced a voluntary recall of swimming pool drain covers. At least one pool in Annandale has been affected. “Continental Pools has advised us that our drain cover is included in the … Continued

Park Authority Board Member Update, April 2011
Observatory at Turner Park By Marie Reinsdorf This is the second in my new series of brief news pieces to let you know what’s happening at the Fairfax County Park Authority Board. At our most recent meeting, April 13, the board voted to approve three Mastenbrook matching-fund grant applications. Mastenbrook funds come from previously … Continued