Tag: Recreation
Public invited to dance show and party Saturday night
Looking for something fun to do this weekend? How about a show that combines the spirit of “Dancing with the Stars,” “So You Think You Can Dance,” and “Circ du Soleil”? The brand-new Forever Dancing Ballroom studio, in the Bailey’s Crossroads area, is presenting its first annual Spring Showcase and Dance Party Saturday night featuring … Continued
Fairfax County grants support neighborhood improvement projects
Congratulations to the 29 neighborhood and homeowner groups that received 2011 Neighborhood Enhancement Partnership Program (NEPP) grants. The organizations that received grants include these in the Mason District and the greater Annandale area: Broyhill Crest Recreation Club/Broyhill Crest Community Association—Clean Up and Reclamation of Broyhill Crest Lot 10A. Chapel Square West Community Association—Community Parkland Access Staircase. … Continued
Park perspectives: Fee increases rejected
The Annandale blog would like to introduce the first column by Marie Reinsdorf, a Falls Church/Annandale resident who serves as an at-large member of the Fairfax County Park Authority Board. Marie will be sharing news and information about Fairfax County parks and possibly other issues. [updated April 1] To learn about Park Authority Board meetings, … Continued

New Annandale Sports Club offers flag football for kids
A new sports league, the Annandale Sports Club, offers flag football and basketball for youths and basketball for adults over 30 this spring. Games start the first week of April. If you’re interested, you can register online. “We want to keep that Annandale name because that’s where we live, work, and play,” says Terry Adams, … Continued

Fairfax County Park Authority proposes fee hikes
Green Spring Gardens: a popular setting for wedding photos The Fairfax County Park Authority is proposing to raise fees for park users, including an 8 percent across-the-board increase for all of the recreation centers, including the Audrey Moore RECenter in Annandale. That translates to the basic fee for adults who live in Fairfax County would … Continued

Renovated Ossian Hall Park enhances Annandale quality of life
The Annandale High School marching band and Korean Pure Sound drummers performed, as a ribbon-cutting ceremony with local government leaders marked the official opening of the newly renovated Ossian Hall Park Saturday afternoon. The 22-acre park, on the corner of Heritage Drive and Four Year Run next to Annandale High School, has a plaza, two playgrounds, … Continued

Bailey’s Crossroads residents respond to plan for Hogge Park
About 60 people came to public meeting at Glen Forest Elementary School Nov. 15 to tell Fairfax County park officials how they would like to see the Boyd A. and Charlotte M. Hogge Park developed. Several local residents opposed a proposal for community gardens and some were concerned about losing the stately trees on the … Continued
Information sought on tae kwon do classes in Annandale
A reader is searching for a tae kwon do studio for her children. Does anyone have a recommendation? What kind of experiences have you had with martial arts classes in Annandale, Va.? Please submit commits to this post or respond via e-mail.
Women soccer players unhappy with county ruling on Pine Ridge Park
After 20 years of playing soccer—and maintaining the fields—at Pine Ridge Park in Annandale, the Fairfax Women’s Soccer Association (FWSA) is losing its preferential treatment to use all three fields all day on Saturdays. “We did manage to keep our Saturday daytime hours for now on two of the fields, just not the one being … Continued

Festival shines spotlight on Glasgow Park
A large crowd turned for the Parklawn Community Association’s Music in the Park Festival last Saturday to support improvements in Glasgow Park. The family-friendly event featured music from Glasgow Middle School students and local bands, food, crafts, moon bounces, and a fire truck.

Women’s soccer league concerned about losing Saturday access to Pine Ridge Park
Women who’ve enjoyed playing soccer at Pine Ridge Park for 20 years are worried they might not be able to play there on Saturdays any more. That’s because the soccer fields are scheduled to be refurbished with synthetic turf this summer, and Fairfax County’s Department of Community and Recreation Services, which allocates athletic fields, has … Continued

Ossian Park will have artifical turf field
The new field at the renovated Ossian Park will have artificial turf instead of natural turf as originally planned, says Rosemary Ryan, senior legislative aide to Braddock District Supervisor John C. Cooke. The renovation project is expected to cost less than expected, allowing for the turf upgrade and additional landscape plantings. [Click on the map … Continued

The carnival comes to Annandale
Summer must be on the way because the annual carnival is here in the Kmart parking lot. The carnival, sponsored by the Annandale Chamber of Commerce, has been coming to Annandale for at least 10 years, says Veto Blake, an electrician with Reithoffer Shows, a family-run business based in Florida that owns and operates carnival … Continued

Grants will support community projects in Parklawn
Congratulations to the Parklawn community for receiving $10,000 in 2010 grant funds from Fairfax County for community improvement projects. The Parklawn Civic Association received a $5,000 Neighborhood Enhancement Grant for fixing up Glasgow Park, and the Parklawn Pool also received $5,000 grant for environmental improvements, reports the association’s president, Mollie Loeffler. The grant for the … Continued
All Stars swimmers at Broyhill Crest
The Broyhill Crest neighborhood will be hopping Saturday, Aug. 1. Up to 2,000 swimmers and their parents will descend on the local pool for the Northern Virginia Swimming League All Star tournament. Residents are invited to watch the swim meet at Broyhill Crest Recreation Club, located at the end of Early Street, but don’t attempt … Continued