Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Bailey’s Upper Elementary School offers light-filled, innovative learning spaces

A science lab. The brand new Bailey’s Upper Elementary School, retrofitted in a former office building on Leesburg Pike in Seven Corners, offers “a rich environment for learning and a rich environment for teaching,” says Jeffrey Platenberg, assistant superintendent of Fairfax County Public Schools for facilities and transportation services. Pointing to all the windows and … Continued

Seven Corners residents: Fix roads before approving redevelopment

Task force members, left to right: Evelyn Haught, Mark Silverwood, Co-chair John Thillman, Co-chair Mary Ellen Ward, Karl Moritz, and Patrick Hoar. When community leaders and residents got a chance to address the Seven Corners Land Use and Transportation Task Force Aug. 12, one key concern was repeated over and over: Don’t start construction on … Continued

Land use committee calls for changes in Bailey’s Crossroads retail center plan

The site of a proposed shopping center on Route 7. The Mason District Land Use Committee (MDLUC) July 22 called for Fairfax County planning staff to revise the proposal for a shopping center on Leesburg Pike between Charles Street and Washington Drive to prohibit drive-through fast food restaurants. Angela Valis, a Courtland Park resident who … Continued

Planning Commission defers vote on Bailey’s Crossroads shopping center

Washington Drive, looking toward Leesburg Pike. The shopping center would be at the left.  [Google Maps] The Fairfax County Planning Commission deferred a decision on a shopping center proposal for Leesburg Pike in Bailey’s Crossroads until July 30, primarily because commissioners felt there was not enough information on a plan to align Charles Street with … Continued

Courtland Park residents raise concerns on proposed retail center

The site of a proposed shopping center on Leesburg Pike as seen from Charles Street. With a public hearing scheduled before the Fairfax County Planning Commission July 17 on a proposal for a shopping center on Route 7 in Bailey’s Crossroads, local residents are urging that the project be modified to protect the Courtland Park … Continued

Annandale’s challenge: Renovate a building vs. large-scale redevelopment

An illustration of Hanna Plaza after the building is renovated. Jeffrey Levine, of Levine Design Studio, gave a presentation on plans for renovating the building at 7409 Little River Turnpike at a meeting of the Annandale Central Business District Planning Committee (ACBDPC) July 8. What started out as simple update on a by-right project, however, … Continued

BoS approves motion to expedite Columbia Pike redevelopment project

This stretch of Columbia Pike is slated for redevelopment. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a motion by Mason Supervisor Penny Gross last week to “authorize the initiation of the appropriate steps for a plan amendment and rezoning” involving a proposal to redevelop a 7.4-acre property in Bailey’s Crossroads. AvalonBay Communities has assembled … Continued