Tag: Saslaw

Sen. Saslaw will not run for re-election
Longtime Virginia state Sen. Dick Saslaw has confirmed the rumors about his retirement. Saslaw, currently the Senate Majority Leader, announced Feb. 23 on the Senate floor that he will not run for re-election in November. The 83-year-old Democratic leader was first elected to the General Assembly in 1980. Saslaw will retire when his term is … Continued

Annandale/Mason residents affected by redistricting
The Virginia Supreme Court [Roanoke Times] Under a redistricting plan approved by the Virginia Supreme Court, some residents of the Annandale/Mason area will be shifted to a different congressional, Virginia House of Delegates, and/or Virginia Senate district. Here are some of the key changes: Several communities currently in the 11th U.S. Congressional District (represented by … Continued

Gross, Aiken clash on redevelopment issues at candidate forum
From the left: Del. Kaye Kory, Sen. Dick Saslaw, Gary Aiken, Jessica Swanson, Supervisor Penny Gross, Andres Jimenez, and Ricardy Anderson. Mason Supervisor Penny Gross and her Republican challenger, Gary Aiken, clashed over how to revitalize aging commercial centers, the East County Office Building, and Bailey’s Upper Elementary School at a candidate forum March 18 … Continued

State legislative action presented at Town Hall
Del. Kaye Kory and Sen. Dave Marsden speak at a Town Hall meeting on state legislation. Actions at the federal level are grabbing the headlines but the Virginia General Assembly has been making important decisions with widespread implications for state residents. State lawmakers representing the Annandale/Mason District area—Sen. Dave Marsden, Del. Kaye Kory, and Sen. … Continued

Legislators report on bills likely to pass – or fail – in Richmond
Sen. Saslaw speaks to constituents at a Legislative Town Hall. Three members of the Virginia legislature who represent the Annandale/Mason area – Sen. Dick Saslaw, Sen. Dave Marsden, and Del. Kaye Kory – gave a progress report on the session Feb. 7. Saslaw spoke in defense of the so-called Dominion bill, which passed the Senate … Continued

Annandale Acres residents seek solution to flooding problem
It looks like a river, but it’s Amy Whetzel’ yard in Annandale Acres. When Amy Whetzel and her husband bought their house at 7301 Auburn Street in Annandale Acres three years ago, they had no idea what they were up against. The lack of a stormwater management system in the neighborhood meant their yard was … Continued

State lawmakers update Annandale residents on actions in Richmond
Virginia General Assembly For the Democratic legislators that represent the Annandale/Mason area in the Virginia General Assembly, it’s been nearly impossible to get anything passed by the Republican-controlled House of Delegates. Nevertheless, Del. Kaye Kory, Sen. Dave Marsden, and Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw have been able to make some limited progress, they told constituents … Continued

Virginia transportation bill is a step in the right direction
Saslaw speaks at the Legislative Town Hall. The landmark transportation bill passed by the Virginia General Assembly last week is far from perfect, but it provides a badly needed infusion of new money and sets a precedent for recognizing the needs of Northern Virginia, lawmakers representing the Annandale area told constituents at a Legislative Town … Continued

Virginia Senate passed bill to raise gas tax
More state transportation funds are needed for projects to relieve traffic congestion, including roads like Little River Turnpike as shown here. The Virginia Senate passed a transportation package this week that would generate $900 million in new revenue for annually and enable localities to put in place additional funding to meet their transportation needs. The … Continued

Transportation, school issues dominate Legislative Town Hall
Facing the audience, from the left: Sen. Marsden, Del. Kory, and Sen. Saslaw More than 100 people came to a Legislative Town Hall at Sleepy Hollow Elementary School Feb. 10 to hear from Annandale-area lawmakers on what’s been going on in the state capital. With the Virginia legislative term nearing its end, lawmakers still haven’t … Continued
VA politicians: Restricting guns vs. arming school officials
Since the tragic school shooting in Newtown, Conn., Dec. 14, Virginia politicians have been talking about guns, but their solutions for preventing more violence has taken different directions Gov. Bob McDonnell suggested we have discussions about allowing school officials to carry firearms on campus. Speaking on WTOP radio Dec. 18, McDonnell said, “If people were … Continued