Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

School budget addresses teacher pay gap

School board member Sandy Evans talks about the FCPS budget. After struggling with limited budgets for years, the Fairfax County Public School is now in a good-enough financial situation that it can begin raising teacher pay to levels comparable with surrounding school systems. The FCPS budget for FY 2019, as recommended by Superintendent Scott Brabrand … Continued

School news: a Belvedere success story

Assistant Superintendent Fabio Zuluaga and Belvedere Principal Cecilia Vanderhye.  An occasional series highlighting programs and activities at schools in the Annandale/Mason District area and other school news. The information and photos here are from Fairfax County Public Schools and individual schools. A Title I winner –  Belvedere Elementary School has been named a National Title 1 … Continued

Holmes Middle School celebrates 50th anniversary

The Holmes Middle School orchestra performs during the 50th anniversary celebration. Students, teachers, alumni, and community members celebrated the 50th anniversary of Oliver Wendell Holmes Middle School in Lincolnia Oct. 21 with musical performances, reminiscences, a 5K run/walk, dedication of a new Little Free Library, and cake. School board member Sandy Evans presents a school … Continued

Community members charged with voting for a new name for JEB Stuart High School select ‘Stuart’

The scene outside Stuart High School as people showed up to vote for a new name.  The option for retaining the Stuart name for JEB Stuart High School got the most points in a voting exercise conducted by Fairfax County Public Schools Sept. 16. “Stuart/Stuart Raiders” got a total of 917 points, while Justice Thurgood … Continued

Keys-Gamarra wins big in special school board election

Karen Keys-Gamarra (in blue) flanked by Virginia lieutenant governor candidate Justin Fairfax, candidate for governor Ralph Northam, Fairfax Board of Supervisors Chair Sharon Bulova (left), and members of the school board. Karen Keys-Gamarra won a resounding victory for an at-large seat on the Fairfax County School Board in a special election Aug. 29. Keys-Gamarra, who … Continued

Proposed school bond would include projects in Annandale/Mason area

Annandale Terrace The Fairfax County School Board is requesting the Board of Supervisors place a school bond referendum for $315 million on the ballot for the general election in November. The bond would provide funds for many school construction and renovation projects, including several schools in the Annandale/Mason area: Renovations of Annandale Terrace Elementary School. … Continued