Tag: schools
Frost has a new principal
Harris Anthony Harris has been named principal of Frost Middle School. Harris had been assistant principal at Poe Middle School since 2014, and before that, was an assistant principal at Frost. He began his career at Fairfax County Public Schools in 2000 as a marketing education teacher at Herndon High School and also taught business … Continued
Afterschool groups build leadership skills among local Asian-American youths
AALEAD members work on a stream cleanup project. [Photos: AALEAD] Lower-income Asian-American students at Holmes and Poe middle schools and Annandale High School are learning leadership skills and setting goals for academic success through a regional organization called Asian American Youth Leadership Empowerment and Development (AALEAD). After-school groups in those schools provide a variety of … Continued
Pinecrest team shows off investing skills
Pinecrest teacher Cindy Mitlo, Head of School Nicole McDermott, and the Stock Market Game team. It’s a bull market for Pinecrest School, a progressive, private preK-6 school in Annandale. The Virginia Council on Economic Education awarded the Pinecrest team a regional second-place prize in its 2017-18 Stock Market Game. Pinecrest School’s team, consisting of a … Continued
Keesha Jackson-Muir of Braddock Elementary named FCPS 2018 Outstanding Principal
Jackson-Muir [FCPS] Two of the top three awards announced at the Fairfax County Public Schools honors ceremony went to educators in the Annandale/Mason District Area. Braddock Elementary School Principal Keesha Jackson-Muir was named Fairfax County Public Schools 2018 Outstanding Principal, and Alissa Oginsky, a sixth-grade teacher at Holmes Middle School was named 2018 Outstanding Secondary … Continued
Police investigating shooting threat at Stuart
Stuart High School will be open as usual on Friday, June 8, despite a threat about a school shooting. A message was discovered in a school bathroom stating: “SHCOOL [sic] SHOOTING ON FRIDAY 8TH OF JUNE PREPARE.” Someone posted a screen shot of the message on Snapchat, and student Alexzandr Saleh reposted it on Twitter. According … Continued
Woodburn gets a new principal
Richman Woodburn Elementary School has a new principal. Katy Richman, the assistant principal at Parklawn Elementary School since 2016, starts the job July 2, Fairfax County Public Schools announced. Richman, a graduate of Falls Church High School, started her career with FCPS teaching fourth and fifth-graders at Belvedere Elementary School. She subsequently worked at London … Continued
School news: Town hall on gun violence
This is the latest piece in a series highlighting programs and activities at schools in the Annandale/Mason District area. The information and photos here are from Fairfax County Public Schools and individual schools. Students from Jackson Middle School finished third in the state in the construction challenge at the Virginia Technology Student Association state competition. … Continued
FCPS promotes two local principals
Gros [FCPS] When Stuart High School reopens in the fall as Justice High School, it will have a new principal. Stuart Principal Penny Gros has accepted a new position as executive principal for Fairfax County Public Schools’ Region 2. At the same time, Frost Middle School Principal Eric McCann is leaving to become executive principal … Continued
School news: Excellence rewarded
An occasional series highlighting programs and activities at schools in the Annandale/Mason District area. The information and photos here are from Fairfax County Public Schools and individual schools. The Voices Now team from Holmes Middle School performed their play at Arena Stage. Spanish immersion – Glasgow Middle School will become the first FCPS middle school … Continued
Mason Crest Elementary School gets new principal
Shin [FCPS] Sherry Shin has been named the principal of Mason Crest Elementary School, effective July 2, Fairfax County Public Schools announced May 15. Since Mason Crest’s first principal, Brian Butler left the school last year, Tim Stanley, a retired FCPS administrator, served as interim principal. Shin has served as assistant principal at Mason Crest … Continued
Outstanding Hispanic students awarded scholarships
Scholarship recipients The 15 Fairfax County seniors who received college scholarships from the Hispanic Leadership Alliance May 8 are an accomplished lot. The average GPA for the group is 3.9, and some will earn International Baccalaureate diplomas. Several students have after-school jobs to assist their families, yet still made time for extracurricular activities, school leadership … Continued
School news: Bike to School Day
An occasional series highlighting programs and activities at schools in the Annandale/Mason District area. The information and photos are from Fairfax County Public Schools and individual schools. Students in the new Garden Club at Wakefield Forest Elementary School. Bike to School – May 9 is national Bike to School Day, with the goal of promoting physical activity … Continued
Oakwood School expansion approved by Planning Commission
Oakwood School Oakwood School’s plans for a major expansion of its facilities on Braddock Road in Mason District moved a step closer to reality. The Fairfax County Planning Commission recommended the Board of Supervisors approve applications for a comprehensive plan amendment, rezoning, and zoning special exception for the project April 26. The Board of Supervisors … Continued
School news: Celebrating success
An occasional series highlighting programs and activities at schools in the Annandale/Mason District area. The information and photos are from Fairfax County Public Schools and individual schools. In this edition of School News, we’ve also got a story from a private school. Staff members and students at Annandale Terrace Elementary observe Autism Awareness Month with special T-shirts … Continued
Weyanoke PTA seeks sellers for vendor fair
The Weyanoke Elementary School PTA seeks vendors for a vendor fair and group yard sale at the school scheduled for Saturday, April 28, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. The cost is $30 per parking space. Spaces will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Weyanoke is at 6520 Braddock Road, a block from Little River Turnpike. It’s … Continued