Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

School news: Rocket science

Students at Luther Jackson Middle School teach art to classmates with disabilities. [FCPS] An occasional series highlighting programs and activities at schools in the Annandale/Mason District area. The information here is from Fairfax County Public Schools and individual schools. Annandale High School students are taking part in the Team America Rocketry Challenge, one of the world’s biggest … Continued

The school year won’t end early

Remember snow? This was Annandale in February 2014.  Since it’s been an unseasonably mild winter with no now and thus no school closures due to bad weather – at least, so far – does that mean the school year could end earlier in the June? The answer from Fairfax County Public Schools is “no.” Here’s … Continued

School news – Lego logo

A Lego creation by professionals.  An occasional series highlighting information about Fairfax County Public Schools and programs and activities at schools in the Annandale/Mason District area. The information here is from FCPS and individual schools. A representatives from the Lego company’s U.S. headquarters in Connecticut visited Mason Crest Elementary School Feb. 21 to present a … Continued

FCPS says schools are safe in wake of ICE raids

A newsletter from Woodburn Elementary School ensures parents that “schools are safe” and aren’t expected to be targeted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents. Children who live in the Fairmont Gardens apartments in Annandale, where there have been ICE raids in recent days, attend Woodburn. The raids have led to fear among the … Continued

Montessori school in Annandale expanded

The new addition at the Montessori School of Northern Virginia.  The Montessori School of Northern Virginia is bigger and better now that a renovation and expansion of the Hillbrook campus at 6820 Pacific Lane, Annandale, has been completed. The improvements include a new large multipurpose room that can be used for art, music, extended after-school … Continued

Students are building a house in Annandale

The construction site on Holyoke Drive, Annandale.  Students with special needs have started construction on a new house in Annandale. The students are in the Building Futures program at schools run by Phillips Program for Children and Families. The students, along with Phillips administrators, teachers, parents, and business and civic leaders, gathered at the house, at … Continued

School news

Second-graders at Annandale Terrace Elementary School check a rain gauge and make notes about the weather as part of a unit on meteorology. [FCPS] An occasional series highlighting information about Fairfax County Public Schools and programs and activities at schools in the Annandale/Mason District area. The information here is from FCPS and individual schools. Bailey’s … Continued

Growth in public school enrollment slowing down

A modular unit is proposed to relieve overcrowding at Glasgow Middle School. The soaring enrollment growth in Fairfax County Public Schools in recent years is slowing down, reports the Capital Improvement Program for 2018-22 approved by the school board Jan. 26. Since the 2008-09 school year, FCPS has seen an average increase of 2,400 students … Continued

Supervisors approve flexible school designs for urban areas

A gym under construction at Bailey’s Upper Elementary School.  The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Nov. 1 unanimously approved an amendment to the county’s Comprehensive Plan to permit more flexible school designs in urban areas. The new policy allows vertical schools on smaller than the traditional five-acre lots; schools in repurposed office or commercial … Continued

Proposed county policy would allow urban schools in high-density areas

Bailey’s Upper Elementary School opened in a converted office building on Leesburg Pike two years ago. The Board of Supervisors will hold a hearing Nov. 1 on a new policy to allow the development of “urban” or “vertical” schools in high-density areas or on parcels of limited size. The policy change would also amend the … Continued