Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Progress being made on Lacey school

Work on the new elementary school on the site of the former Lacey Center is a little behind schedule due to the bad weather, says Joseph Krzywicki, the on-site field construction representative for Fairfax County Public Schools. The construction site is at the end of Crest Drive in the Broyhill Crest neighborhood in Annandale. About … Continued

Kory’s Report from Richmond: Progress possible but it’s all about gamesmanship

By Del. Kaye Kory Three weeks into the “short session” of the legislature, there are some indications of potential progress on challenges facing the Commonwealth—like transportation, higher education, and mental health funding. It helps that Virginia is relatively well positioned fiscally as a result of the painful cuts and “creative” budgetary accounting we indulged in … Continued

Candidates line up for Fairfax County School Board election

Five candidates are planning to seek endorsements from the Fairfax County Democratic Committee to run for at-large seats on the Fairfax County School Board. They are: Greg Brandon (a resident of the Springfield District)—treasurer of Longfellow Middle School PTA and former president of Chesterbrook Elementary School PTA. Charisse Glassman (Providence)—parent activist and member of the … Continued

Public invited to comment on Annandale Regional Planning Study

Members of the Annandale Regional Planning Study Committee who explored boundary options and grade configurations for the new elementary school under construction on the Lacey site explained their report to a small group of parents last night at Woodburn Elementary School. Both that group and the group that examined options for addressing overcrowding at Annandale … Continued

Boundary scenarios for new school at Lacey site included in Annandale Regional Planning Study Committee’s final report

The Annandale Regional Planning Study Committee has offered a series of options for the new elementary school under construction at the Lacey site. This report, as well as the report addressing options for relieving overcrowding at Annandale High School and Poe Middle School, will be presented to the Fairfax County School Board Monday, Jan. 10. … Continued

AHS Regional Planning Study Committee urges FCPS school board to consider non-boundary options

The committee exploring options for reducing overcrowding at Annandale High School and Poe Middle School puts forth several non-boundary options, as well as plans to shift the boundaries among area schools. “The committee strongly believes that the non-boundary solutions present a new approach that will relieve the overcrowding at Annandale High School and future overcrowding at Poe … Continued

Community outreach meetings scheduled on Annandale Regional Planning Study

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) has scheduled four community outreach meetings this month on the Annandale Regional Planning Study. The study will be presented to the school board Monday, Jan. 10, at 4 p.m. The committee that worked on boundaries for the new elementary school being built on the Lacey site will hold community meetings: … Continued

AHS Regional Study Committee preparing final report

As the Annandale Regional Planning Study Committee prepares its final report, committee members have been giving presentations to parents at affected schools about the process to address overcrowding at Annandale High School and determine the boundary for the new school being built at the site of the Lacey Center. At a meeting for parents at … Continued

Construction under way on school at Annandale’s Lacey site

The foundation, the underground plumbing, and the storm sewers for the new elementary school under construction on the Lacey site are about half completed, says Joseph Krzywicki, the field construction representative for Fairfax County Public Schools. Workers have begun drilling the holes (upper left) for the geothermal pipes under what will be the athletic field, he says. Four … Continued

Public invited to meeting tonight on Annandale Regional Planning Study

Parents of students in Annandale public schools are invited to a community meeting tonight on the Annandale Regional Planning Study. The meeting will be held at Annandale High School’s Clausen Hall, 7-9 p.m. Several members of the study committee, including Annandale High School PTSA President Emily Slough, will provide an overview of what the study … Continued

New, higher wall separates North Springfield Elementary from beltway

North Springfield Elementary School is literally a stone’s throw from the Capitol Beltway. Local government leaders and neighborhood groups worked with VDOT and the companies in charge of the HOT lanes project, Transurban and Fluor, to install a higher wall between the school (at 7602 Heming Court) and the beltway. State Del. Vivian Watts; Braddock District Supervisor John … Continued