Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Seven Corners residents concerned about proposed zoning changes

The Route 50/Patrick Henry intersection in Seven Corners. Fairfax County zoning official Donna Pesto attempted to assure local residents at a meeting of the Bailey’s Crossroads/Seven Corners Revitalization Corporation (BC7RC) Sept 15 that proposed changes to the county’s Zoning Ordinance won’t override the density limits in the recently adopted Seven Corners amendment to the Comprehensive … Continued

Board of Supervisors approves Seven Corners redevelopment plan

    The Seven Corners plan calls for affordable housing to be replaced on a one-to-one basis. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved a long-term plan for the redevelopment of Seven Corners shortly after midnight July 29 after adding  provisions to ensure that affordable housing will be retained, that a school will be built … Continued

Community group recommends revisions to Seven Corners plan

The Seven Corners Ad Hoc Community Working Group is finalizing its work on drafting a revised redevelopment plan for Seven Corners and will submit its recommendations to Mason Supervisor Penny Gross and Mason Planning Commissioner Julie Strandlie on June 23. The ad hoc group consists of representatives of community associations in the Seven Corners area. … Continued

Seven Corners residents seek new hearing on redevelopment options

An ad-hoc community working group that has called for redevelopment of Seven Corners with less density than the proposal under consideration by the Fairfax County Planning Commission has asked the commission to delay a vote on the plan. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on a Seven Corners amendment to the county’s Comprehensive Plan … Continued

Planning Commission defers decision on Seven Corners redevelopment

There was lots of discussion at the Planning Commission hearing about the need to retain affordable housing. The Fairfax County Planning Commission deferred a decision on the Seven Corners Amendment to the county’s Comprehensive Plan to July 8. People who spoke at the Planning Commission’s public hearing May 7 were pretty much split among those … Continued

Gross outlines vision for community school at Willston Center

The main entrance to the Willston Center. Mason Supervisor Penny Gross has outlined a vision for a school at the Willston Multicultural Center that would be attached to a building providing a variety of community services. In her “A Penny for Your Thoughts” column published in the Falls Church News-Press April 16, Gross said she … Continued

Working Group agrees on reduced residential density for Sears site

The Working Group’s final meeting, at Bailey’s Elementary School. The Seven Corners Special Working Group on Opportunity Area C (the Sears site) endorsed a plan for redeveloping the Sears site with less residential density than its earlier draft. The group’s final recommendation, approved March 4, calls for 275 multifamily units and 60 townhouses. That’s a … Continued

Gross supports community school concept

Ernie Wells looks at maps of proposed Seven Corners redevelopment concepts at a community meeting at Bailey’s Elementary School. Mason Supervisor Penny Gross told the audience at a community meeting on Seven Corners redevelopment Feb. 19 that she supports the concept of a community school and that the Willston Center is a possible a location. … Continued

Board of Supervisors approves Bailey’s Crossroads redevelopment plan

The area outlined in red is the Columbia Pike/Moncure Avenue area proposed for redevelopment. [Fairfax County Planning and Zoning Department] The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a comprehensive plan amendment Jan. 13 to allow the redevelopment of a 7.4-acre property on Columbia Pike and Moncure Avenue in Bailey’s Crossroads. AvalonBay is proposing a … Continued