Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Planning Commission endorses expanding substance abuse treatments at Seven Corners mental hospital

Dominion Hospital The Fairfax County Planning Commission approved a zoning special exception Oct. 27 to allow Dominion Hospital in Seven Corners to treat patients whose only medical condition is substance abuse.  Under current development conditions, the facility can only treat people for drug and alcohol dependency if they also have a psychiatric diagnosis. 

Seven Corners house fire started in the attic

Residents were out of town when their house caught fire. [Debi Gerard] A fire at a single-family home in the 6100 block of Munson Hill Road in Seven Corners was caused by “an unspecified electrical event involving household wiring” in the attic, the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department reports.

Supervisors schedule public hearing on eminent domain for sewer project in Seven Corners

The new sewer is shown in red, temporary construction easements and grading agreements are in yellow, and affected properties are outlined in blue.  The Board of Supervisors on July 27 agreed to hold a public hearing on the need to use quick-take eminent domain powers for a sewer project in Seven Corners. The hearing is … Continued

Seven Corners pedestrian bridge improvements would discourage loitering and vandalism

One of the stairwells at the pedestrian bridge in Seven Corners. Fairfax County is considering several options for retrofitting the pedestrian bridge over Arlington Boulevard in Seven Corners to minimize problems with littering, vandalism, and loitering. The project would replace the non-structural concrete panels on the two stairwells with more visually open materials. The objective … Continued

VDOT will repave dozens of roads in Annandale and Seven Corners

The roads in red will be repaved in 2021. The Virginia Department of Transportation will repave hundreds of roads in Fairfax County between April and November.  Roads on VDOT’s repaving agenda in the Annandale/Mason District area are concentrated in these neighborhoods: Holmes Run Acres, Masonville, Sleepy Hollow, Lee Boulevard Heights, Mantua, and Strathmeade Springs. Access … Continued

Seven corners mental hospital seeks permission to expand services to substance abusers

Dominion Hospital Dominion Hospital, a mental health facility at 2960 Sleepy Hollow Road in Seven Corners, is seeking a special use permit allowing it to treat people whose only need is recovery from alcoholism or substance abuse.  Dominion CEO Lee Higginbotham told the Bailey’s Crossroads/Seven Corners Revitalization Corporation Feb. 18 that its current permit from … Continued