Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Cosmetics shop coming to Annandale

  Curious about the question marks on the sign at 4129 Hummer Road in Annandale? This property next to 7-Eleven, formerly occupied by a laundromat, is going to be a Tony Moly cosmetics store.  Tony Moly was founded in South Korea in 2006. There are 102 Tony Moly shops in Asia, Europe, Australia, Canada, and … Continued

Back-to-school tax holiday this weekend

School doesn’t start until Sept. 2, but if you want to take advantage of Virginia’s back-to-school tax holiday, you’ve got to start shopping this weekend. Shoppers won’t be charged sales tax for eligible clothing and school supplies purchased on Friday, Aug. 1, through Sunday, Aug. 3. To qualify for the tax break, articles of clothing … Continued

Planning Commission defers vote on Bailey’s Crossroads shopping center

Washington Drive, looking toward Leesburg Pike. The shopping center would be at the left.  [Google Maps] The Fairfax County Planning Commission deferred a decision on a shopping center proposal for Leesburg Pike in Bailey’s Crossroads until July 30, primarily because commissioners felt there was not enough information on a plan to align Charles Street with … Continued

Courtland Park residents raise concerns on proposed retail center

The site of a proposed shopping center on Leesburg Pike as seen from Charles Street. With a public hearing scheduled before the Fairfax County Planning Commission July 17 on a proposal for a shopping center on Route 7 in Bailey’s Crossroads, local residents are urging that the project be modified to protect the Courtland Park … Continued