Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Champions of Character honored

Champions of Character Award winners from Mason District with county leaders. [Fairfax County] Athletes, parents, and a coach involved with the Annandale Boys and Girls Club are being honored with Fairfax County Champions of Character Awards for their good sportsmanship, service, teamwork, and leadership. These annual awards are presented by Fairfax County, the Fairfax County … Continued

Taste of Annandale: new details emerge

Check out the ad on a Fairfax Connector bus. With the Taste of Annandale just a few weeks away, we’ve got some updates to report, including new sponsors, food vendors, and entertainers. The Taste of Annandale is a free, family-friendly community festival on Saturday, Oct. 14, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., on Tom Davis Drive. That’s in … Continued

St. James sports complex to open in September 2018

Alex Ovechkin of the Washington Capitals and Craig Dixon, co-founder and co-CEO of The St. James sports complex, at the groundbreaking ceremony.  The huge St. James sports and wellness complex will bring two ice hockey rinks, a swimming pool, soccer field, climbing wall, spa, recreational facilities and much more to Mason District. Construction is underway … Continued

St. James sports complex to open in September 2018

Alex Ovechkin of the Washington Capitals and Craig Dixon, co-founder and co-CEO of The St. James sports complex, at the groundbreaking ceremony.  The huge St. James sports and wellness complex will bring two ice hockey rinks, a swimming pool, soccer field, climbing wall, spa, recreational facilities and much more to Mason District. Construction is underway … Continued

Lincolnia Park Recreation Club invites the community to celebrate the pool’s 60th anniversary

The Lincolnia pool in the early 1960s. Anyone with more old pictures and memorabilia are encouraged to bring them to the anniversary party.  All current and former members of the Lincolnia Park Recreation Club, current and former members of the LPRC Lazers swim team, neighbors, and friends are invited to the pool’s 60th anniversary celebration … Continued

Senior Olympics registration starts next week

A swimming event in the 2016 Northern Virginia Senior Olympics. [Ron Staley Photography/NVSO] Registration for the 2017 Northern Virginia Senior Olympics begins July 10. The 35th season of the NVSO takes place Sept. 9-20 at venues throughout the region. Events range from athletic competitions, such as swimming, running, and basketball; to recreational pursuits, like horseshoes, … Continued