Tag: traffic

Safe Streets for All program could save lives of pedestrians
The intersection of Columbia Pike and Gallows Road presents a challenge for pedestrians and bicyclists. The Fairfax County Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets for All initiative could potentially make some of the most dangerous roads in Mason District safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. At a community meeting Nov. 8, Lauren Delmare, an active transportation engineer at … Continued
Public feedback sought on Seven Corners transportation improvements
The Seven Corners conceptual street network. Click here for details. [FCDOT] The Fairfax County Department of Transportation seeks public input on the Seven Corners Phasing Study, beginning with pop-up events on Saturday, Nov. 13. FCDOT is considering a plan to relieve congestion around the Seven Corners intersection at Leesburg Pike, Arlington Boulevard, and Wilson Boulevard … Continued

‘Traffic garden’ offers safety lessons to kids
A new “traffic garden” on Graham Road is aimed at teaching children and families about pedestrian safety. Painted markings on a blacktop next to the Graham Road Community Center mimic real-life street conditions, such as crosswalks and traffic flow. Signs posted on the fence explain the rules of the road and how to engage with … Continued
Funding approved for Braddock Road improvements
Braddock Road approaching Port Royal Road. The Braddock Road Multimodal Improvement Project will get more than $55 million through a VDOT program called Smart Scale, Braddock Supervisor James Walkinshaw announced in the August Braddock Beacon. The funds, approved by the Commonwealth Transportation Board, will cover Phase 1 of the project.

Let’s make our streets safer for walking and biking
Little River Turnpike at John Marr Drive in Annandale. By Phil Kemelor Have you almost been hit by a car when walking or cycling? Now you can report those “near misses” and help make your streets safer.

Lane closures expected on Route 236 due to bridge project
The Duke Street overpass over I-395. [VDOT] Work underway on the Duke Street bridge over Interstate 395 will result in lane closures during the next few months, the Virginia Department of Transportation warns. VDOT contractors are replacing the concrete bridge deck and beams, upgrading the westbound sidewalk to a shared-use path, and widening the eastbound … Continued

Spot improvements to start at congested Lincolnia intersection
The N. Beauregard/N. Chambliss intersection. [File photos] Construction of the “spot improvement project” at the N. Beauregard Street/N. Chambliss Street intersection in Lincolnia is expected to start in July, reports Mason Supervisor Penny Gross. The project would improve pedestrian safety by replacing the existing painted island with a wider concrete median island on N. Beauregard … Continued

VDOT to study traffic congestion on Little River Turnpike
Little River Turnpike runs through the center of Annandale. The Virginia Department of Transportation seeks public feedback for a study of traffic and safety conditions along Little River Turnpike (Route 236). The study covers a four-mile stretch between the beltway and Interstate 395. That area, which runs through Annandale and Lincolnia, is highly congested, averaging … Continued

VDOT completes improvements at Little River Turnpike/Guinea Road intersection
Little River Turnpike heading to Guinea Road. [VDOT] Navigating Little River Turnpike at the Guinea Road intersection in Annandale should be a little easier now that the Virginia Department of Transportation has completed improvements to enhance traffic flow and safety. A new free-flow right-turn lane allows northbound Guinea Road drivers to proceed to eastbound Little … Continued

Fairfax County Police proposes ending pursuits for traffic violations, other nonviolent crimes
This pickup crashed after a police chase in Herndon in 2017. Eight people were hospitalized. [FCPD] Several people said ending police pursuits for traffic incidents would encourage more speeding and red-light running at the Fairfax County Police Department’s community meeting on a proposed policy to curb pursuits. Those kinds of pursuits lead to accidents that … Continued
Traffic signal improvements set for Columbia Pike
Columbia Pike as seen from Maple Court. Construction is expected to start this month on two traffic signal upgrades aimed at improving safety on Columbia Pike: at John Marr Drive/Chatelain Road in Annandale and at Lacy Boulevard/Maple Court in Bailey’s Crossroads. The Virginia Department of Transportation will install at each intersection two twin signal poles with mast arms, … Continued

Police video highlights speeding, noise complaints in Annandale
2nd Curry at John Marr Drive and Little River Turnpike in Annandale. A brief video posted on Twitter May 16 by the Fairfax County Police Department addresses the concerns about street racing in Annandale. In the video, 2nd Lt. James Curry of the FCPD’s Public Affairs Bureau, says, “Today we’re in the Mason District to … Continued

VDOT to improve Little River Turnpike/Guinea Road intersection
Improvements are in the works for the Guinea Road intersection on Little River Turnpike just west of Annandale. Representatives from the Virginia Department of Transportation and the Fairfax County Department of Transportation will describe the changes at a virtual community meeting March 1 at 7 p.m.

Zoning board defers action on daycare proposal from Bailey’s Crossroads church
Columbia Baptist Church [Google Maps] The Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals has again deferred a decision on an application from Columbia Baptist Church on Glen Carlyn Road in Bailey’s Crossroads for a building addition with a childcare center. At its Feb. 10 meeting, the BZA agreed to take up the application again on Feb. … Continued

Holding a phone while driving is now illegal
Distracted driving causes accidents. [Vancouver Courier] As of Jan. 1, it’s illegal to hold a cellphone while driving in Virginia. The penalty is a $125 fine for a first offense or using a phone in a highway work zone and $250 for additional offenses. If using headphones for talking on a phone hands-free, you can … Continued