Tag: utilities

Planning Commission approves substation expansion
The Fairfax County Planning Commission approved the expansion and modernization of the Westcott Substation along the Holmes Run trail in Annandale.

Community urged to oppose huge power lines for a data center
Bren Mar Park community representatives are urging their residents to come out in force to a Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) hearing this Thursday on Dominion Energy’s application for the Edsall substation and transmission lines.

Apartment residents suffered without AC during heat wave
More than 80 families at the Wedgewood in Annandale suffered without AC during the hottest days in July.

Demolition underway on remains of burned buildings in Annandale
The buildings on Columbia Pike destroyed in a fire over a year ago are finally being demolished. The main stumbling block for the delay has been Washington Gas, says May Han, the daughter of the property owners, Kee Cho Han and Ae Young Han. “We absolutely understand it’s been an eyesore,” May Han said. … Continued

Discounts offered on solar energy
With all eyes on the solar eclipse later today (figuratively, not literally, we hope), it’s a good time to think about making the most of the sun’s energy. This year marks the 10th anniversary of Solarize Virginia, a program that vets solar panel installation companies that provides discounts to homeowners. It’s offered by the Local Energy Alliance … Continued

Dominion to expand substation
Dominion Energy plans to start work on upgrading the Westcott Substation in late spring. The facility is on the Holmes Run Stream Valley trail near Rose Lane Park in Annandale. Dominion crews will install new technology and expand a portion of the fenced station area by approximately 57 by 70 feet. There will be increased … Continued

HOAs can apply for funds to install EV charging stations
Fairfax County is launching a pilot program to help homeowner and condominium associations install electric vehicle charging stations. HOAs that are accepted into the Charge Up Fairfax program will receive a site visit and assessment from an engineering firm, paid for by the county. If the HOA decides to proceed with the project, it would … Continued

Ravensworth water main to be replaced
Fairfax Water plans to replace the water main under Ravensworth Road in Annandale, beginning in mid-August. The project will roughly extend from St. Michael’s Lane to Brook Hills Drive. During construction, Fairfax Water will maintain traffic flow and ensure affected residents have access to their driveways. There might be temporary lane closures and parking restrictions. … Continued

Discounts on solar available through Aug. 31
Fairfax County is teaming up with the nonprofit Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) on Solarize Virginia, a program that makes it easier and cheaper for homeowners to switch to solar. Homeowners who sign up by Aug. 31 receive a free assessment and quote from a vetted solar installer and a guaranteed discounted rate. Through … Continued

Stream project slated for Annandale Community Park
A $3.3 million project is expected to start in mid-May to restore a stream and replace the sanitary sewer line in Annandale Community Park. A contractor for the Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services will restore 1,685 linear feet of Coon Branch and unnamed tributaries. The project will include the demolition and … Continued

Sleepy Hollow Road projects underway
Sleepy Hollow Road has become a construction zone as five big public works projects are underway. Work has started on the $6 million Sleepy Hollow Walkways Project, which entails constructing 4,500 linear feet of concrete sidewalks, 690 square yards of curb ramps, and 206 linear feet of retaining wall. The new sidewalks will fill in … Continued

Fairfax Water to begin flushing fire hydrants
If your tap water tastes like chlorine, don’t worry, says Fairfax Water. It doesn’t affect the quality of the water. Fairfax Water will soon begin flushing its water mains by opening fire hydrants and allowing them to flow freely for a short period of time. This is done every year to maintain water quality. During … Continued

Heat still not fixed at Fairmont Gardens
Some tenants at Fairmont Gardens in Annandale still don’t have heat. Two entire buildings in the complex don’t have heat at all, while heating has been intermittent in other apartments, reports Nady Peralta Wentworth, an attorney at the Legal Aid Justice Center. In the only communication from the management, the Donaldson Group sent a notice … Continued

Fairmont Gardens tenants lack heat
With temperatures dropping into the single digits tonight, many residents of the Fairmont Gardens apartments in Annandale have no heat. It’s been an ongoing problem. Katy Richman, the principal of Woodburn Elementary School, has been reporting concerns about the lack of heat at Fairmont Gardens since November. About 200 Woodburn students live in the complex. … Continued

Fairfax Water proposes rate increases
Members of the public will have a chance to tell Fairfax Water what they think of the proposed rate increases at a public hearing on Thursday, Dec. 15. The hearing will be held at Fairfax Water’s office at 8570 Executive Park Ave. in Merrifield. It starts at 6:30 p.m. If you want to speak at … Continued