Tag: utilities

Woodburn Village residents suffering for days without AC
With temperatures in the upper 90s and extreme humidity, it’s so nice to come home to an air-conditioned home. Now imagine how miserable it would be to live with indoor temperatures at 95 degrees. That’s the situation at Woodburn Village condo on Woodburn Road in Annandale, where the air conditioning hasn’t been working since Sunday, … Continued

Discounts offered for solar energy
The annual Solarize NOVA program is underway, providing bulk discounts on solar systems for homes and businesses. The Solarize campaign is offered in partnership with the Local Energy Alliance Program and the Northern Virginia Regional Commission. The campaign runs from April 1 through June 30. The program includes a free assessment of the property to … Continued

Fairfax Water is opening hydrants to flush water mains
Fairfax Water will be flushing its water mains by opening fire hydrants and allowing them to flow freely for a short period of time, starting May 21. This is done every spring to maintain the high quality of water in the system, Fairfax Water says. The work should be finished in May or June. At … Continued

Planning Commission approves rehabilitation of Holmes Run Wastewater Pump Station
The entrance to the Holmes Run Wastewater Pump Station at 6623 Dearborn Drive. The Fairfax County Planning Commission approved plans on May 19 to rehabilitate the wastewater pump station at the corner of Dearborn Drive and Sleepy Hollow Road. Built in 1957, it’s one of the oldest pump stations in Fairfax County. The improvements will … Continued

Solar energy furthers the mission of Peace Lutheran Church to address climate change
The roof of Peace Lutheran Church is being prepared for the installation of solar panels. For Peace Lutheran Church in Lincolnia, protecting the future of the planet is a key concern – and, as a result, the church is taking action to address the climate crisis by installing solar panels on its roof. Pastor Sarah … Continued

Fairfax Water plans new pump station on Sleepy Hollow Road
An illustration of the new pump station slated for Sleepy Hollow Road. [Fairfax Water] Fairfax Water is planning a new pump station for drinking water at 2959 Sleepy Hollow Road next to the Seven Corners fire station. There’s a single-family house on the property that had been used as a dentist’s office. Fairfax Water intends … Continued
Solar energy discounts available in Fairfax County
Solar energy in Annandale. The Solarize NOVA program is offering Fairfax County residents discounts on installing solar energy systems through June 30. The program, operating with the Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP), gives homeowners and business owners access to a pre-qualified solar installer, Solar Energy World, for a no-cost evaluation of their property.

Fairfax County plans to install solar panels on government buildings
The Mason Government Center. Fairfax County is proposing a plan to install solar panels at 22 public buildings. The Board of Supervisors is holding a public hearing March 9 on a proposal to lease county-owned property to Sigora Solar LLC for the installation, operation, and maintenance of solar photovoltaic panels for electricity generation.

Residents encouraged to take surveys on Fairfax County’s Energy and Climate Action Plan
Solar panels, like the ones on this Annandale roof, are an increasingly common sight in Mason District. Fairfax County is asking residents to take three surveys to inform county staff on how they feel about climate change issues. The surveys will provide feedback as the county develops its first-ever Community-wide Energy and Climate Action Plan … Continued

COVID fund provides relief for water bills
People hard-hit economically by the coronavirus pandemic can apply for a break on their water bill. Fairfax Water is working with Fairfax County to administer funds from the commonwealth of Virginia’s COVID-19 Municipal Utility Relief Program. Eligible customers will need to apply for this relief program by Dec. 30. To qualify, you must meet certain … Continued

Dominion will bury power lines in Annandale/Mason District
Buried power lines would prevent power outages during storms. Dominion Energy Virginia is planning to bury power lines along dozens of residential streets in the Annandale/Mason District area. The Dominion Energy Strategic Underground Program is aimed at improving electrical reliability by getting homeowners to agree to have power lines buried in their front yards. The … Continued

Sewer project scheduled for Lake Barcroft
The houses along Waterway Drive will be affected by a sewer project (DPWES) The Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services is beginning a sewer rehabilitation project on Waterway Drive in Lake Barcroft this month. The project, under the direction of the department’s Wastewater Design and Construction Division, involves the rehabilitation of 700 … Continued

Solarize Fairfax offers discounts for installing solar energy
A solar-powered house in Annandale. The Solarize Fairfax County program offers property owners discounts for a signing up for a solar energy system before Aug. 31. The program offers reduced rates through a pre-qualified solar installer, Solar Energy World, and a streamlined process for exploring solar power for residences and businesses. Fairfax County homeowners … Continued

Long list of new laws signed by Northam
Northam Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam signed dozens of bills into law in recent days, on criminal justice, marijuana decriminalization, voting, energy, Confederate monuments, discrimination, clean energy, workers’ rights, and more. The bills take effect July 1. The General Assembly plans to reconvene on April 22 to consider Northam’s amendments to some of the bills. Northam … Continued

Dominion will pay customers $20 for an old fridge
Keep your old refrigerators out of the dump. [USDA.gov] Thinking of getting a new refrigerator? Dominion Energy will pay customers $20 to pick up old refrigerators or freezers that are in working order but use more electricity than newer or more efficient models. According to Dominion, this program will help customers reduce their energy use and … Continued