Prepare for construction delays due to work on Gallows Road bridge over Route 50
The overpass as seen from Route 50. [VDOT] Expect some intermittent delays and nighttime closures at the Route 50/Gallows Road intersection over the next year as the Virginia Department of Transportation begins phase 2 of its project to “rehabilitate” the overpass. The project will include concrete and steel beam repairs, bearing replacement, joint closures, and … Continued
Bike lane projects planned for Annandale
Sleepy Hollow Road at Columbia Pike. Fairfax County is considering bike lane projects for two roads in Annandale: Hummer Road between Annandale Road and Little River Turnpike and Sleepy Hollow Road between Columbia Pike and Bay Tree Lane. The improvements would consist of restriping and would be done in conjunction with repaving projects carried by … Continued
Sign removal program expanded
Signs like this one in the VDOT right-of-way on Annandale Road, are prohibited. Six streets in the Annandale/Mason District area are among the 28 streets that have been added to the sign-removal program jointly run by Fairfax County and the Virginia Department of Transportation. Those streets include Annandale Road and John Marr Drive in Annandale; … Continued
VDOT repaving under way
A section of Sleepy Hollow Road east of Columbia Pike. [David Siegel] The Virginia Department of Transportation is carrying out milling and repaving on roads all over Annandale. Click here for an interactive map showing which streets are affected, projected completion dates, and more details. Evergreen Lane is pretty town up. Road paving vehicles parked … Continued
New pedestrian bridge crosses I-395 at Seminary Road
A new pedestrian bridge over Interstate 395 parallel to Seminary Road opened May 4. The bridge links a sidewalk in front of Southern Towers Apartments to a sidewalk along Seminary Road on the east side of I-395 in Alexandria. The bridge, designed for bicyclists as well as pedestrians, is the final element in a $76 … Continued
Road repaving and bike lanes proposed for Annandale
Ravensworth Road needs repaving and has gotten worse since this photo was taken last May. The Virginia Department of Transportation is slated to repave several roads in Annandale, starting this summer, and is taking that opportunity to implement bike lanes. Affected roads are Ravensworth Road, Heritage Drive, John Marr Drive, McWhorter Place, and Markham Street. … Continued
Annandale/Mason digs out after monster snowstorm
Kids scale a snow mountain in the Annandale Shopping Center parking lot. Two days after a monster snowstorm dumped as much as 30 inches of snow in some areas of Northern Virginia, residents of the Annandale /Mason area are still snowed in. Local Nextdoor message boards are full of complaints about unplowed streets, cars stuck … Continued
New ramp links I-395 and Seminary Road
The new ramp on I-395, with the Mark Center in the background. [VDOT] The Virginia Department of Transportation opened the new ramp linking Interstate 395 High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes to Seminary Road in Alexandria Jan. 11. The new ramp is part of a series of projects aimed at easing traffic congestion for commuters working … Continued
Route 50 lanes closed at night for bridge repair at Gallows Road
Broken concrete on the Gallows Road bridge over Route 50. [VDOT] You might want to avoid driving at night on Route 50 under the Gallows Road interchange for the next few weeks. The Virginia Department of Transportation started a project to repair the center pier of the overpass Sept. 8. The left lane of eastbound … Continued
Litter and human waste mar Route 50 pedestrian bridge
A stairwell corner on the pedestrian bridge. A week after a July 31 news report about the filthy condition of the pedestrian bridge over Route 50 in Seven Corners, the bridge stairwells were still littered with trash and smelled like urine – and yes, there were still “piles of human feces,” as the piece by … Continued
Gallows Road bridge over Rt. 50 is getting a make-over
Route 50 approaching the Gallows Road bridge. The public is invited to a meeting tomorrow night hosted by the Virginia Department of Transportation about plans to reconstruct the bridge on Gallows Road over Arlington Boulevard (Route 50). The meeting is June 24, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Luther Jackson Middle School, at 3020 Gallows Road, Falls Church. … Continued
Board of Supervisors approves truck ban for Ravensworth Road
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution June 2 to ban through-truck traffic on Ravensworth Road between Little River Turnpike and Braddock Road. The resolution was proposed by Mason Supervisor Penny Gross in response to complaints from people who live close to Ravensworth Road about safety and noise. Only one person spoke at … Continued
Repaving, bike lanes planned for Mason District
Evergreen Lane The Virginia Department of Transportation has confirmed that Annandale Road will be repaved this summer, Mason Supervisor Penny Gross told the audience at a public meeting on bicycle lanes March 25 at George Mason Regional Library. Repaving and bicycle lanes are also planned for Evergreen Lane, but that project has not yet been … Continued
I-95 widening will affect local traffic
Residents look at maps at the VDOT meeting. The Annandale Blogger was unable to attend the VDOT community meeting on plans to widen I-395 and thanks a reader for submitting the following article. Trade-offs seemed to be the theme at the Virginia Department of Transportation’s Feb. 10 public information meeting at Holmes Middle School on … Continued
VDOT plans to widen I-395 southbound in Landmark area
I-395 usually isn’t this empty. [VDOT] The Virginia Department of Transportation plans to construct a fourth lane on southbound Interstate 395 between Duke Street and Edsall Road. A public information meeting on the project has been scheduled for Feb. 10, 7 p.m., at the Holmes Middle School cafeteria. VDOT believes the new two and a-half … Continued