Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Wakefield Chapel residents want NOVA to address student parking problems

Residents complain about NOVA students on Wakefield Chapel Road. People who live close to the Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Annandale campus have been complaining about students parking on Wakefield Chapel Road and side streets for years. The familiar litany of grievances was aired again Feb. 25 at the most recent quarterly meeting on NOVA/neighborhood … Continued

Citizen activists frustrated by lack of action to clean up Seven Corners

Piles of trash in a parking lot behind the Willston Center on Route 50. Kay Cooper and Nancy Vorona, residents of Lake Barcroft, would like to see the Seven Corners area cleaned up. They’ve been urging Fairfax County leaders, VDOT, and law enforcement officials to take some action to get rid of the litter and … Continued

When it comes to cleaning up VDOT property, no good deed goes unpunished

You might think if a community comes together and spends countless hours cleaning a small plot of public land, that would be a good thing, right? It’s a great example of people putting in some sweat equity to improve their neighborhood. The Virginia Department of Transportation doesn’t think so. The site in question is on … Continued

Del. Kory’s Report from Richmond: Full legislative agenda will address ABC privatization, ‘murky’ budget picture

By Del. Kaye Kory The legislative calendar for the commonwealth is accelerating as the deadline approaches for delegates to submit legislation for the upcoming session. This session is the “short” session, as it is the second year of the biennium. Still, the legislative agenda will be a full one, or at least should be, and … Continued