Tag: volunteers

Flags line neighborhood streets for Memorial Day
Realtor Vivianne Couts and her crew of some 30 volunteers put out 1,200 American flags on the curbs throughout the Broyhill Crest neighborhood in Annandale Saturday morning. This is the fourth year that Couts has organized a flag project for the Memorial Day weekend. The volunteers, including one not quite two years old, gathered for … Continued

Volunteers clean up Backlick Park
Volunteers in the Backlick Park clean up crew. Backlick Park in Annandale is clean and litter-free, after members of the Falls Church-Annandale Lions Club and local residents picked up trash during a Saturday morning cleanup project organized by Katie Clinton. Since Backlick park was renovated last year – it has new playground equipment, a new … Continued

A student and business leader selected as Mason District ‘Lord and Lady Fairfax’
Victor Nguyen This year’s Mason District “Lord and Lady Fairfax” are Victor Nguyen, a student at Annandale High School, and Elizabeth “Libby” Novak, a former member of the Fairfax County Small Business Commission, Mason Supervisor Penny Gross announced May 16 in her “A Penny for your Thoughts” column in the Falls Church News Press. Every … Continued

Church members fix up homes for residents who can no longer do the work themselves
A Rebuilding Together volunteer paints the garage door at the Hua’s house in Mason District. Dozens of volunteers fixed up two houses in Mason District April 27 as part of Annandale Christian Community for Action’s (ACCA) Rebuilding Together program. At one of the homes, volunteers painted the exterior and interior, did some yardwork, and installed grab … Continued

Justice Scholars Fund helps students get to college
Justice High School 2018 scholarship recipients. Decorate A Vet, a local nonprofit organization that takes care of home maintenance projects for military veterans, has expanded its mission to support college scholarships for Justice High School seniors. The following article about the Justice Scholars program is by Jean King, a member of the program’s board of … Continued

A ‘food forest’ planned to help the needy
A food forest [Greenability] A new nonprofit organization called Food Uniting Neighbors (FUN) is planning community gardens and a “food forest” to provide nutritious, organic fruits and vegetables to community members in need. The group hopes to get its first garden planted this year in raised beds at Peace Lutheran Church on Lincolnia Road, says the … Continued

Culmore Clinic relocates and expands
Felicia Tan (left), a medical assistant, and Cindy Nothom, a registered nurse, in one of the exam rooms at the Culmore Clinic. The Culmore Clinic welcomed the community to its new quarters at First Christian Church on Leesburg Pike in Seven Corners April 9 at a dedication and ribbon-cutting event. The clinic, which provides basic … Continued

School news roundup: Students shine in science, music, journalism, and more
Science Olympiad team at Justice High School. Biking at Bailey’s – The physical education team at Bailey’s Elementary School received two grants – a Community Foundation Healthy Kids grant and a Virginia Safe Routes to School grant – to teach students how to ride a bicycle. Students will learn bicycle skills, safety, and will learn … Continued

Baby squirrels who fall from their nests can be saved
Melissa the squirrel baby. When a Fairfax resident had a tree cut down, and a baby squirrel was found in a nest that had fallen to the ground, she contacted the Wildlife Rescue League to find out how to keep it alive. As the area was experiencing freezing temperatures at the time, she kept it … Continued

Volunteers clean up Americana Drive
Most of these girls are students at Poe Middle School. If Americana Drive in Annandale looks lot nicer today, it’s because about 80 volunteers took part in a cleanup event on Presidents’ Day. They collected 352 bags of trash – beer bottles, coffee cups, diapers, fast food wrappers, and much more – and many large items, … Continued

AARP offers free tax help in Annandale
Don’t stress out over your taxes. Volunteers with the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program are providing free assistance. IRS-certified volunteers will help people fill out federal and state tax forms at the Mason Government Center on Columbia Pike 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; 1-8 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays, and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. … Continued

Annandale Stuff the Bus event nets more than a ton of food donations
Generous shoppers at the Annandale Giant on Feb. 9 donated 2,047 pounds of food to the food pantry operated by Annandale Christian Community for Action during the Stuff the Bus event on Feb. 9. Stuff the Bus, a collaboration of the Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services, grocery stores, and nonprofit groups, is … Continued

Lots of resources available for furloughed federal government employees
Furloughed workers protest the government shutdown in front of the White House (Greg Nash/The Hill) As the shutdown of the federal government reaches its 26th day – and federal workers have now missed a paycheck – companies, nonprofits, and individual volunteers are stepping in to offer assistance. The Virginia Employment Commission estimates nearly 178,000 federal … Continued

Community cleanup scheduled for American Drive on Martin Luther King Day
Need a sofa? Someone dumped one on Americana Drive. UPDATE: This event has been postponed until Feb. 18, as more snow is predicted for this weekend. More than 40 people have already signed up. The public is invited to join a community cleanup of Americana Drive in Annandale on Martin Luther King Day, Jan. 21, … Continued

Little League is raising funds for a restroom project at Pine Ridge Park
The Fairfax County Park Authority has approved the installation of a permanent structure to house restrooms and a concession stand at Pine Ridge Park in Annandale, a project sought by the Annandale-North Springfield Little League. To make this project a reality, however, the ANSLL has to raise approximately $300,000, says the league’s president, Don Pedersen. … Continued