Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Sponsor a family for the holidays

Volunteers help with the Britepaths Holiday Program. [Britepaths] Fairfax-based non-profit Britepaths is seeking help from community members, companies, and organizations to sponsor Fairfax County area families in need for the December holidays. The deadline to sign up for the Holiday Program is Dec. 14. Sponsors provide a holiday meal and/or gifts for children under 18. … Continued

Rotary Club and students bring Thanksgiving meals to Culmore families

Justice High School students join Rotary Club members in packing meals for needy families.  The Rotary Club of Bailey’s Crossroads and students from the Justice High School Interact Club delivered 100 meals to families in the Culmore area of Bailey’s Crossroads. This has been a Thanksgiving tradition for the Rotary Club for decades. This year, … Continued

Culmore Clinic will relocate

Nurse Juan Ramirez at the Culmore Clinic The Culmore Clinic, which provides free basic healthcare to lower-income residents of the Culmore community, is losing its space at Columbia Baptist Church. The church, on Glen Carlyn Road in Bailey’s Crossroads, is reclaiming the clinic’s space so it can expand its early childhood development center. The Culmore … Continued

Volunteers needed for Ossian Hall Park cleanup

The playground at Ossian Hall Park.  The Fairfax County Park Authority invites the community to join a “fall blitz” to spruce up Ossian Hall Park in Annandale Saturday, Nov. 10, 8 a.m.-noon. Volunteers are needed to help spread mulch in the landscaping beds, spread tot lot chips in the playground, prune vegetation, and pick up … Continued

The Taste of Annandale is just one of many Rotary Club service projects

Volunteers hard at work at the Annandale Rotary Club’s food-packaging event.  The Annandale Rotary Club has been serving the community and providing networking opportunities for the past 53 years. One big way the service organization is showing its community support is by signing on as a Gold-level sponsor of the Taste of Annandale. The club’s … Continued

Hidden Oaks volunteer honored by Park Board

Hidden Oaks Nature Center, where volunteers make all the difference. Hidden Oaks Nature Center volunteer Marilyn Schroeder, a volunteer at Hidden Oaks Nature Center in Annandale, is one of three recipients of a 2018 Elly Doyle Park Service Award. Elly Doyle Awards are presented by the Fairfax County Park Authority Board to individuals or organizations … Continued