Tag: volunteers

Mason District Little League hosts Hit-a-thon this weekend
The Mason District Little League’s success depends on volunteers and contributions from the community. The MDLL’s third annual Hit-a-thon, its primary fundraiser, takes place this weekend – May 6 at Mason District Park for the Majors and May 7 at Parklawn Park for all other players. The Hit-a-thon is like a walk-a-thon. Each player solicits … Continued

Donations sought for Rotary fundraiser to support Stuart Pyramid Fair
The 2015 Stuart Pyramid Fair drew large crowds. The Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club (BXRC) Foundation is seeking donors for its online auction to benefit the 2016 Stuart Pyramid Resource Fair. One hundred percent of the proceeds from the auction will be used to purchase school supplies for students in Stuart High School and the elementary … Continued

Crab feast supports volunteer fire departments
The social hall at the Annandale Fire Station. Nearly 200 people enjoyed an all-you-can-eat crab leg and spiced shrimp feast at the Annandale Fire Station Saturday afternoon – while helping the Annandale and Bailey’s Crossroads volunteer fire departments raise some badly needed funds. Fire station volunteers serve hundreds of pounds of seafood. “We want to … Continued

Rain or not, volunteers clean up the community
Dar Al-Hijrah members take part in the Culmore Cleanup. Despite rainy, unseasonably cold weather, hundreds of local residents spent Saturday morning picking up litter in an effort to make the community a better place. About 40 people collected trash along Little River Turnpike and surrounding streets, reports Helen Winter of the Annandale Women’s Club, which … Continued

Fire departments host crab/shrimp feast this Saturday
The all-you-can-eat crab legs and shrimp feast last year sponsored by the Annandale and Bailey’s Crossroads volunteer fire departments was so successful, they’re doing it again. It’s happening this Saturday, April 23, 2-5 p.m., in the social hall at the Annandale Fire Station, 7128 Columbia Pike. It’s $40 per person for adults, $20 for children … Continued

Join the ‘Run for the Children’ April 30
Fairfax Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is hosting a Run for the Children 8K Race and 3K Run/Walk April 30 in Fairfax. “This race engages and informs the community about our organization’s inspirational work, while raising funds to help train and support the work of our volunteers,” says CASA spokesperson Ana Machado-Silva. CASA volunteers serve … Continued

Volunteers clean up Oak Hill Park
Volunteers cleared a trail that had been overgrown. Oak Hill Park in Annandale is looking a lot nicer, thanks to the efforts of a group of neighbors who formed the Friends of Oak Hill Park. The group organized volunteers to clean up trash and remove invasive plants and established a working relationship with Fairfax County … Continued

Rotary Club seeks volunteers for Stop Hunger Now event
Volunteers package meals The Rotary Club of Annandale invites the public to take part in the Stop Hunger Now event, a fun way to help the needy. It’s April 16. 9 a.m.-noon., at the Annandale United Methodist Church, 6935 Columbia Pike. Participants will work in teams to fill plastic bags with dried food and vitamins … Continued

CERT course teaches neighbors to take charge during emergencies
CERT students set up a triage system to care for the wounded. Local residents bleeding heavily and screaming in pain were lying on the floor of the Moose Lodge in Bailey’s Crossroads Saturday morning following a severe tornado. One woman lost three fingers, another victim had a leg sheared off, while others suffered broken bones … Continued

Volunteers clean up Lake Accotink Park
Mountains of trash collected by volunteers at Lake Accotink. [Michael A. Richards] The Spring Cleanup at Lake Accotink Park on April 2 netted an estimated 975 pounds of trash, reports park supervisor Julie Tahan. The cleanup was one of many scheduled for Saturday at parks and streams throughout Fairfax County, including Annandale Community Park, Long … Continued

Just Neighbors relocating from Bailey’s Crossroads to Annandale
This former church building is part of the campus of Annandale United Methodist Church. Just Neighbors, a nonprofit organization that helps immigrants and refugees, is moving from its offices in Bailey’s Crossroads to the Immanuel Methodist Church building at 7901 Heritage Drive in Annandale. The organization is currently located in the Bailey’s International Center at … Continued

Happy birthday, Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club
BXRC President Pat Borowski (right) presents the club’s 2016 Rotarian of the Year award to Jim Holcombe. Members of the Rotary Club of Bailey’s Crossroads (BXRC) celebrated the group’s 39th birthday March 18 at the home of BXRC members Rob and Francine Cannon. President Pat Borowski presented the BXRC Rotarian of the Year award to … Continued

Church members help Annandale Terrace families with weekend meals
AUMC volunteers assemble meal packages for students’ families. Lower-income families in the Annandale Terrace community have enough food to get through the weekend, thanks to a group of dedicated volunteers from Annandale United Methodist Church. Once a week, church members gather at the AUMC Heritage Campus to put together 52 packages of food for students … Continued

Public invited to Bowling for Baldness event in Annandale
Bowlers at a previous Bowling for Baldness event. [Capital Area Alopecia Areata Group] The public is invited to take part in Bowling for Baldness, a fun family event and fundraiser hosted by the Capital Area Alopecia Areata Group, next Saturday, March 5, 2:30-4:30 p.m., at the AMF Annandale Lanes, 4245 Markham St. Register online. If … Continued

Stuff the Bus campaign will be at Annandale Giant Feb. 13
ACCA volunteers at the Annandale Giant in February 2015. Stuff the Bus, the countywide campaign to collect food donations for needy families, will be at the Annandale Giant, Saturday, Feb. 13, 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Shoppers are encouraged to purchase a few extra items to be donated to the food pantry operated by Annandale Christian Community … Continued