Tag: volunteers

Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club strengthens ties with Stuart HS
Rotary club members donate school supplies to local students. Members of the Rotary Club of Bailey’s Crossroads delivered $1,500 in school supplies Aug. 13 and 14 to needy students at JEB Stuart High School; Glasgow Middle School; and Beech Tree, Bailey’s, Parklawn, Sleepy Hollow, and Glen Forest Elementary schools. This effort was part of a … Continued

Help make Annandale Pyramid Back-to-School Resource Fair a success
Volunteers are desperately needed to help make the second annual Annandale Pyramid Back-to-School Resource Fair a success. The fair takes place Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2-7 p.m., at Annandale High School. More than 10,000 students and family members are invited. Fair organizers are putting out an urgent call for volunteers—adults and students—to help out during the … Continued

Rotary club’s raffle for classic car supports local charities
The 1966 candy apple-red Mustang GT convertible pictured here could be yours. The Rotary Club of Bailey’s Crossroads is raffling off the car to raise money for its community service projects. Raffle tickets can be purchased online for $25 apiece or five for $100. You can also buy tickets at various locations around the area … Continued

Help Our Daily Bread provide school supplies to needy students at Stuart HS
Volunteers pack school supplies for Our Daily Bread’s Collect for Kids program. Our Daily Bread (ODB) a nonprofit organization based in Fairfax is seeking volunteers from the community to donate funds, backpacks, and calculators to assist needy children who attend the JEB Stuart and Fairfax high school pyramids. This is the fourth year that ODB … Continued

Volunteers, sponsors needed for Annandale Pyramid Resource Fair
People started lining up for the 2013 Annandale Pyramid Resource Fair two hours early. By the time the doors opened at 2 p.m., more than 1,000 people were waiting to get in. School just let out for the summer, but it’s not too early to start thinking about helping families get ready for the start … Continued

Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club distributes funds to local charities
From the left: Mary Anne Lecos of ACCA; Nan Monday, Homestretch; Maria Demarest, Helping Hands; Jasmine Witcher of Bethany House; Kevin Holland, Rotary; Ian Charles, youth football, and David Feld, Rotary. The Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club distributed checks to several local charities at the group’s June 13 breakfast meeting. Organizations receiving funds include Helping Hands, … Continued

Support volunteer’s work at Green Spring Gardens
Clint Fields at Green Spring Gardens. Clint Fields, a longtime volunteer at Green Spring Gardens, is one of three finalists in Virginia’s Cox Conserves Heroes, a program sponsored by Cox Communications and the Trust for Public Land that recognizes volunteers who are creating, preserving, or enhancing shared outdoor spaces. Each finalist has secured a $2,500 … Continued

Reitman and Lavoie are Mason District’s Lord and Lady Fairfax
Gross, Lavoie, and Reitman Mason Supervisor Penny Gross has appointed Jan Reitman as 2014 “Lord Fairfax” and Terry O’Hara Lavoie as “Lady Fairfax.” They will represent Mason District at a June 3 ceremony during the annual Celebrate Fairfax festival. The Lord and Lady Fairfax program calls for each member of the Board of Supervisors to … Continued

Shepherd’s Center celebrates 10th anniversary
Supervisor Cook presents a certificate of appreciation for the Shepherd’s Center of Annandale-Springfield to the center’s board chair, Dick Stewart. [Photos by Mary Ellen Dawley] The Shepherd’s Center of Annandale-Springfield celebrated its 10th anniversary May 22 at the group’s Lunch N’ Life event at the United Baptist Church in Annandale. The Shepherd’s Center aims to … Continued

Fundraising campaign aimed at protecting the Kingstowne turtles
Turtles “playing Frogger” on Kingstown Village Parkway are in danger of getting hit by cars. The situation is also dangerous for drivers who risk causing an accident as they try to avoid hitting the turtles—as well as the people running onto the road to help them. Jessica Bowser, a resident of Kingstowne in the Alexandria … Continued

Annandale Boys & Girls Club donates $70,000 for turf field at Annandale HS
Photos from ABGC The Annandale Boys & Girls Club has donated $70,000 to Annandale High School’s campaign to bring a synthetic turf field to the school’s Bolding Stadium. “This $70,000 donation will ensure AHS meets the minimum commitment for Fairfax County to bring turf to Annandale,” says Julie Germain Thompson of ABGC. “We’re proud of … Continued

Rep. Connolly and Beanetics win Annandale Bed Race
The Connolly-Beanetics team in action. [Photos by George Burke] It took six years of trying and training, but the team sponsored by Congressman Gerry Connolly (11th District) and powered by Beanetics Coffee Roasters finally won the Annandale Bed Race, reports Connolly’s spokesperson George Burke. The bed race teams. The annual event, sponsored by the Annandale … Continued

Hit-a-Thon to raise funds for Mason District Little League
Help the Mason District Little League reach its fundraising goal by contributing to the league’s first annual Hit-a-Thon May 9 and 10. The MDLL is hoping to raise $16,000 so it can upgrade its aging equipment, get new uniforms, make improvements to the field and cage, pay for umpires, and provide scholarships to needy families. … Continued
Annandale Walgreens hosts bowling fundraiser for cancer research
The Annandale Walgreens invites the public to a bowling fundraiser at AMF Annandale Lanes Saturday, May 3, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., to raise money for the Ride to Conquer Cancer. The Ride to Conquer is a two-day bike ride in the countryside around Washington, D.C., Sept. 13-14. Walgreens is hoping to raise enough money to send … Continued

Annandale Fire Department hosts big community yard sale May 10
The Annandale Firehouse. Last year’s Annandale Community Yard Sale was a big success, so it’s happening again—Saturday, May 10, at the Annandale Volunteer Fire Department parking lot, 7128 Columbia Pike, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Food will be available on-site from the Annandale VFD Canteen service. If it rains, the event will be moved under covered areas … Continued